Mind game

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It was my second month under the treatment of Alex. I don't know should I say or not, the treatment was all in vain. All I did in the treatment was writing feelings on those sticky notes and the times I met him was barely three. He admitted that he was too busy those days that he hadn't even tried to get to know me as a patient what he was doing was trying to make my parents  feel at ease. But all these changed on that day.
                It was fresher's to all the newcomers including those who are new to other semesters too , like in my class around five students had joined this sem. Party began late at around 9pm. I was not really in a mood to party all night. My mind was really not under my control as I saw a boy kissing a girl just for fun. Some other were doing other business like this. All these sights made me really anxious and recollect all past memories which I have been trying to bury deep inside. I started to panic and....

     "Come down. You can't be there."
     "Please Hannah what the he*k are you doing there. Come down here. You are ruining all the mood." The other person yelled.
     "Oh please what are you talking...stop it. Talk properly if not just keep your mouth shut "
     "Oh, why are you meddling here newcomer. We have been classmates before and we know her, merely an attention seeker."
     "Hey handsome boy you are too cute and I feel like you are really naive too. Too good for the world, hihi. Don't care about that crazy girl."

I could hear some murmuring voice around me as soon as I opened my eyes I understood that I was in a hospital. I looked around trying to find anybody whom I know. But all I saw was some machinery with its beep sound. It all went dark the next second.
       I opened my eyes listening to my mom's voice which sounded really angry and sentimental. I saw Alex standing in front of my mom. He was not smiling and I saw him pretty serious for the first time. I called out my mom but my throat didn't produce any sound so I tried once more and then a mild sound got produced. It caught the attention of my mom. It looked like my Alex felt a bit more at ease as soon as her attention deviated from him. To be honest he looked much more relaxed as soon as I smiled at him. I was able to notice a tint of regret and a lot of apologies in his eyes.
   "Love how are you doing? You are fine right? How could you even think of ending your life,ha?"
   Ending my life?! What have I done which have frightened my mom? Oh god what on the earth is happening that led me to this bed in hospital? My mind was really going in circles.
    "Dear this guy has proved his incapability in his work. So let's consult another efficient doctor for you. You will be alright, okay." I just nodded. My eyes were stuck on his eyes which actually spoke a lot. "Mom it has nothing to do with Alex, I mean Dr Alexander. He had told me to do some medications and practice some excercises. I didn't actually followed his words. I know he is really good in his work. Mom I truly trust him and want to continue under his treatment." I don't know why I said that maybe I wanted to know him more. His eyes were really talkative. So as I tried to read through him my curious mind wanted to know him more. "Love why? I don't know I don't want to argue with you. I have a million things to do. But this is your decision and if you are proven wrong you have to obey me and no arguments." "Okay mom. I will be fine"
Mom went out of the room. I looked at Alex and said"I hope I won't be proven wrong." He smiled it was a reassuring one. My eyes were getting heavy and it just got closed.
As I woke up Alex was near me, he was arranging some fruits and other stuffs. I stayed quiet. His phone was in silent mode and as soon as it rang he grabed it and talked in a murmuring voice. He was really a different person from what I witnessed till date. He was a perfect gentleman kinda person.
     "Hello Dr Alex, why are you still here?"
     "Hey! you're up? Nice...uhm...you want some fruits..? Mmn we have apples, oranges and kiwis here. Which one would you prefer and don't worry doctor already gave permission to give you fruits."
     "Ahm..you haven't answered my question yet. Why are you here? Where is mom?"
     "Am I creating any issue.... wait are you disturbed by my presence? Ok I will leave asap. I will wait outside for your mother to come. Let me make her a call."
     "Oh! She went back home right? Yeah I forgot my elder sister must be home now. By the way if you are free you can stay and no need to make a call she won't be back soon anyway."
     "Okay right. What would you like to have, tell me."
     "Oranges will go actually I don't like kiwi."
     "Oh, that's a new information for me. I think I didn't understand you well before. Maybe my activities for you didn't pay any work. It's fine let's get to know better now. Here have some orange slices. It is a bit saury."
     It was really saury, but was ok for me as I was really hungry at that time. I still had no idea why I was there in the hospital bed and who took me here.

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