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Madison's pov
I could hear Nash yelling at Cameron and I was so upset I looked in the mirror and saw a bruise on my Jaw. great . "Aaron please just drive me home I don't want to be hear anymore" I said and got my phone and Aaron drove me home I got home and ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and just cried ,no matter what this always happens I always get beat up ugh. I saw my shaving razor and was tempted I really wanted to end my life and pain, but I promised Ari I wouldn't hurt myself anymore, my mind was going from Yes to No, But then Ari won't have to worry about me anymore I ran to my kitchen cannot and pulled out random pills and I got water I was about to throw them into my mouth when the door threw open startling me. "MADISON?" Cam yelled running in "AHHH" I yelled dropping the pills "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" he yelled and I just broke down and cried he ran over and comforted me "Madison I'm so sorry I never want for any of this to happen" He said "you know what Cameron I'm done just get out of my life I hate you and All the guys just get away from" I said shoving him out the door and locking "MADISON PLEASE" Cam yelled from the other side I went to my room and Called Ari.
A"Hey sister what's up"
M"i can't do this anymore can you help me buy an apartment in Somewhere In California
A" of course but what happened
M"Their still hurting me it's getting worse
A"okay I'm sending a jet over with a friend to pick you up in two days at the airport I'll see you soon love you
M"Thank you love you too
I hung up and began to pack cause on my last day I wanna say bye to some people
----two days later--------
It was the day I went to my School to say Bye to Mrs.Kyla or Aunt Kyla I went in during lunch and she was in her computer "MADSION Where have you been" she asked hugging me "iv been packing" I said and she looked confused "I'm moving to California the bullying has gotten worse I just thought I'd stay with Ari for know" I said "okay sweetie come back and visit soon you know where I am and call if you need anything Ok" she said and I nodded "your leaving" a voice said behind me, I turned to See Cameron "bye Aunt Kyla" I said and she said bye I ran out the school building and to my house I shut the door and up to my room I payed there for about 15minutes when my door flew open revealing Cameron "HOW'D YOU GET IN" I yelled "I still remember where you hide your spare key" he said and I just looked pissed "please don't leave" he said "to bad I'm leaving in an hour" I said not making eye contact "well can I at least give you a ride to the airport"he asked "no" I said sternly "Please" he said and that's what he kept saying over and over and over "FINE GET OUT BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND" I YELLED AND HE RAN OUT,I got ready wearing some leggings and a comfy crop top with my sneakers Cameron drove me to the place, it was silent until we got there, he helped me with my bags and helped me to the jet, I was going up the steps when Cam pulled me Back "Madison I-I uh love you" he said and kissed my softly I pulled away and looked at him "no you don't Cameron" I said and boarded when I got up there I saw HARRY FREAKING STYLES "ello" he said "AHH HARRY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" I yelled

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