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Madison's pov
We got ready as fast as we can and met up at their place I checked my phone and saw that the Jacks tweeted a photo of me,Shawn and Cameron sleeping @/JackGilinsky: what are we looking at ............@/ShawnMendes
@/Madisongrande                   @/CameronDallas 
And I retweeted the tweet but I noticed the comments weren't nice "whose that fucking whore with my mans","ewww why to is she there" "Can she die"
I decided to text Ariana
A:what's up baby grande
M:so this magcon thing is bigger than I thought
A:okay and...
M:I think we should put it officially out that we're sisters
A:okay that sounds perfect your sure about it right
A:alright I'm posting a pic of us;)
I laughed and like her photo since she has like 38 million followers many fans already know "YOU HAVE A SISTER" was what the comments consisted of "YOUR SISTERS ARIANA GRANDE" Matthew screamed running to me and I nodded (if you didn't know Ariana Grande is Matts Celebrity Crush) "YOUR SISTERS BAE AS FLIP" he yelled in my face "okaaaay" I said walking away I went to the bathroom and got ready I put on a tight black daisy crop top with some high waisted shorts I put on my black vans and did my normal makeup routine I decided while the boys were showering to go get some coffee I was walking down the stairs when Mahogany asked to come with and I gladly accepted her company "so how are you liking Magcon you know other than them being your bullies?" She asked "so far I love it I can't wait till my first show and idk about the guys they've really changed especially Cam and Shawn but last time I forgave them things were bad" I said "I think you should forgive them I think these guys are amazing and I would have never would have guessed them to be bullied" she said and I nodded my head,she was right they've really changed we turned the corner to go to Starbucks when 3 girls around our age came up "OMG YOUR MAHOGANY LOX AND MADISON GRANDE" one girl yelled "that's right haha" lox said "can we get a pic with you" the second one asked and we decided why not "Amy can you take the pic for us" they asked a girl who looked really stuck up to be honest "whatever" she said and took it for them "oh yea I saw your little picture with Cam and Shawn stay away from Cam he's mine you little bitch" she said,she had ginger hair and dark green eyes with fair skin  "really how is he yours if you don't even now him sweetheart" I said back and with that she walked away pissed "sorry she's really stuck up we just go around and help her with stuff but we're gonna be attending Magcon today " the one with Brown hair said "yea were really excited" the one with blonde hair said "great we'll catch you guys on stage if we see you k" lox said and they hugged us and left "dang that other chick was rude"lox said drinking her Starbucks "i know right idk what her prob is" I said "so you and Cam" she said smirking "ehh" I said smiling

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