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Mads pov
I sat down between Shawn and Lox "so since today is a break day you guys can explore around" Bart said we were now in the great Phoenix,Arizona " I CALL HANGING WITH MADISON" Cam yelled and I blushed "mmmm to cute" Matt said and I looked at Shawn and he just flared his eyebrows at me weirdo, after eating we all got up and split "hey where do you wanna go today" Cam said "I don't know just walk around the city" I said and he smiled "great" he said and we headed out we got Starbucks and we just walked around then we passed a store and I saw this extremely beautiful summer dress it was  white with pink flowers on it I looked at it for about five minutes "hey Carter texted and said O2l is throwing a party tonight and they invited us wanna go" Cam asked then I remember what happened last time Cam invited me to a party he almost killed me basically "uhhh I don't really know" I said looking down "look nothing will happen I promise all the guys will be there and Lox" he said "okay" I said and he smiled "let's head back and get ready the party's in two hours" and we called Nash to pick us up "hey I'm gonna go talk to Bart about the party I'll be right back"cam said and I nodded I didn't know what to wear I decided to think of that after I showered and I straightened my hair I did smokey eye and just nude lips then I put on a sports bra and leggings I went back to my little wardrobe and I noticed something new I saw two dresses then a note "hey meet me down in the lobby wear the black one for the party hope you like the dresses and shoes"-Cam I looked at them and was shocked it was the white floral one that I saw and a black strapless dress that fit my curves on the top and flowed out at my waist and stopped at my mid it was perfect then I opened two shoe boxes I saw black pumps in one and white ones in the other I got the black ones and I put my Madison necklace on and headed out with my side bag I headed down to the lobby I walked out everyone looked shocked "AHHHHHHH YOU LOOK AMAZING" Mahogany yelled "nice job Cam" Nash said  lox was wearing a lavender dress similar to mine except it wasn't strapless and she had white wedges on cam went over and kissed my forehead "aaaawwwwwww lets go were gonna be late" Matt said running around like a T. rex we headed to the O2l house it was what a teen party was people grinding red solo cups and Alcohol "hey do you drink?" Lox asked me "NOOO I hate it" I said "girl same but you have to help me watch the guys Shawn,Cam,Nash,Taylor,and Jack G can get out of control" she said and I got worried about Shawn and Cam about three hours later Lox said we had to get the guys out and leave I found Shawn and Jack G and dragged them to Lox all the guys were out except..yep and me and lox went in and I couldn't find him "umm Madison" Lox said pointing in a direction it was Cam making out with that chick Amy tears brimmed my eyes and I just ran out I ran to I don't even know where "MADIOSN" I could hear the guys yell behind me but I kept running then I noticed a grassy area I decided to sit under a tree and I just cried idk why me and Cam aren't even dating but I just liked him a lot and idk I sat there staring at the sunset "hey are you okay miss" someone asked from behind and I turned to see Kian and Ricky? "Madison?!?" Kian said "what happened baby girl" Ricky said and they sat down next to me "it's just Cam-" I said "ohhhhhhhhh" they both said "we heard about it I'm so sorry" Kian said "yea what are you guys doing out here" I asked "we were gonna film a yoga video out here haha wanna help us film...."

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