Chapter 1

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Shit, is it already 8 am?

Like a robot, I climbed out of bed, brushed my teeth, took a shower, got dressed and ate cereal. Then I realized; today is THE DAY! It was going to be the best day of my life, I just knew it.

I called my best friend Oliver to make sure he knew what day it was. He was probably just as excited as I was.

"Hi, Olli. You do know what day it is, right?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I know what day it is! We're finally going to see Imagine Dragons!"

"yeah, I'm so excited!
I almost forgot it was today." I chuckle.

"What?! How can you forget such an important day! If I didn't like you so much, I'd ditch you and take someone else."

"Good thing you like me." I teased.

"Alright, shut up. I'll pick you up at noon and then we can go get lunch."

"Alright, bye."


After I hung up, I listened to the new album of my heroes: Smoke + Mirrors. It was perfection and I knew every word of every song.
I couldn't sit still for even 1 minute, because of the excitement. I even changed my clothes at least 20 times before I was happy with my choice. I chose a black skinny jeans with a white flowy top from Forever 21. It was my favorite outfit were I felt comfortable and pretty in at the same time. And that was necessary for an important day like this one.

ding dong

Oh no! Was it already 12 o'clock? Shit, I must have taken a very long time to get dressed apparently.

I ran to the door and when I opened, I saw Oliver behind a huge bouquet of flowers. They were beautiful red roses. I was surprised because Oliver and I never did things like this for each other. We were like brother and sister. At least I thought so.

"Surprise! These are for you because I really care about you, Lilly. And I wouldn't want to share this day with anyone else but you!"

Wow, where did this come from? For Olli, this behavior was definitely weird. He never was sentimental like this.

"Euh, wow, Olli... Thanks a lot! I'm really surprised. I didn't expect this from you... at all, to be honest."

"Well, it's because I like you Lilly! I really do."

Again, I was a bit in shock by his kind words. I just hoped he didn't mean anything else with this. I hoped he knew we were just friends and I wanted that to stay that way.

"Thanks again Olli, but now you have to stop acting so weird, haha. Come inside, while I put on my shoes and grab my bag."

In the car, it was very silent. It was almost an awkward silent. What was happening? In the 6 years I've known Olli, there never was an awkward silence.
Normally, we'd always know what to say. I decided to break the silence, so I put the cd from Imagine Dragons in the CD player. I chose the song I'm So Sorry, because it was my new favorite. I sang along with the words and it seemed to stop the awkwardness. At the end of the song, Olli said: "Wow, Lilly, you have a beautiful voice."
Again, it was so weird hearing things like this come from his mouth. "Thanks, I guess", I said.

Luckily, we arrived at my favorite restaurant, Nando's. I hoped that when we finally sat down, Olli would act like his normal self again. He guided me to a nice table in the corner of the restaurant and helped me get seated. When I sat down, I immediately grabbed the menu, because I was starving. Apparently, Olli also wanted to look, so he grabbed my hand instead of the menu by accident. His face turned bright red and I started laughing. When he became even more red, I stopped and I kind of felt sorry for him. But why did he act so awkward and weird all of a sudden? Did he like me, as in like like? Shit, I didn't feel the same way. I mean he was a very nice and good looking guy, but I just didn't have feelings for him.

But maybe it was nothing and it was just all in my head. At least I hoped so...

After our lunch, which stayed still a bit awkward, he dropped me off at my place.

"I'll pick you up at 7 pm for the concert. Make sure you're ready!"

"Thanks again Oliver! See you tonight."

Pffff, finally home! wow, it was soooo weird to see him like this.
I really really hope he doesn't like me like that. That will ruin everything!

I showered again, just to clear my mind from this new, unexpected information. I put on Radioactive and sang as loud as I could the lyrics of this brilliant song. I just have to be normal around him and make sure that he understands that we can't be more than friends. I just hope I don't have to tell him in words, because than I'll feel like a total bitch.

Maybe, I'm just being stupid and this doesn't mean anything to him.

I'll just have to wait and see what happens. But most importantly, I have to enjoy and relax at the concert!

ding dong

Alright, here we go.


Hello everyone, this is my first book ever and I hope you liked this very first chapter. I would love it when you leave comments and vote! I will post chapter 2 as soon as possible! xoxo Sofie

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