Chapter 7

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After Harry told me everything, my mind grew tired. My thoughts made no sense anymore and just for a second I forgot about this whole situation. I put my head on Harry's shoulder and he stiffened for a second but then became relaxed.

I shut my eyes closed and tried to think about happy things. About what would have happened when everything was just normal. Me being super happy about the concert and replaying it a billion times in my head. Instead of that, I just thought about Oliver.

He acted so strange today, and now I knew why. He had been plotting all of this against me. I still had no clue why, but I would find out. That's for sure.

In what felt like the middle of the night, I felt Harry shaking my shoulders. My first instinct was to ask what was wrong, but he shook his head and placed his hand over my mouth so I would stay silent.

"Ssssh" He said, "Listen."

I listened and I heard silent voices at the other side of the door. I looked at him with wide eyes and I tried to hear what the voices were saying.

"This is shit, she doesn't want to say anything about the medallion, what will we do about it, huh?" A low voice said.

"Don't worry about her, I'll make her spill everything to me. I know her and I know what I will use against her to tell us where the medallion is. I haven't been pretending to be her friend for nothing, you know." A voice spit that I immediately recognized. Oliver.

I was taken back by his harsh words. I already knew by now that he was not who I thought he was, but still. This was just so mean. I had never heard that tone in his voice before, it even made me scared of him. I felt so naive and stupid for trusting him all this time. How could he?

And what did he mean with "I already know what I will use against her"? Why won't they believe me that I don't know a single thing about a medallion.

The voices faded away and I looked at Harry. He had a worried expression on his face and he even looked angry. He balled his fists and hit the door. The metal door didn't even move the slightest bit. Harry's behavior made me jump. Why was he so angry? If there should be someone angry, it should be me. His anger made me realize that I didn't know Harry at all.

Yeah, I knew about his past and about his family, but I definitely didn't know who Harry was as a person. I hope he isn't always like this.

"What an asshole" Harry whispered angrily.

"I know" I said calmly to try and make him less mad.

"I changed my mind, we're not going to sit around here all day and wait for him to do his move. We should do something, to throw them off guard so we can escape." He said.

The idea of escaping of course sound appealing to me, but I was afraid that if our plan wouldn't work, the consequences would be even worse. We had to come up with some kind of plan, but I was too tired right now to think. My mind drifted off to happy thoughts and I put my head again on Harry's shoulder. He held me close until I fell asleep after this long day.

The next morning I woke up with Harry already awake and standing in the corner of the room. He was looking trough the small window in the right corner. I stoop up and walked over to stand right next to him. I stood on my toes to see feet running past our little window. We must be in some kind of basement or something. I couldn't even remember going down stairs or something. Oh yeah, that's because I fainted.

People were rushing to their work or to school and I wished I was one of them. The sun was shining but I could see that it was freezing by the breaths people left behind in the morning air.

I let myself slide against the wall on the floor and stared to the door in front of me. A few moments later a plate was shoved in our room and the door was shut again.

On the plate was nothing special this time, just some bread and milk. I wondered for how long he was planning on keeping us in here. I mean, this was a concert building, we couldn't stay here forever before someone notices us. That thought calmed but also worried me. Of course I wanted to be found by someone who could help us. But what if Oliver and his sick friends took us with them to another, even worse and scarier place?

I shouldn't worry about that, I said to myself. Maybe we could escape and then we would be free again.

*Oliver would haunt you down, the moment you would escape.* My subconscious told me.

I sighed and looked at Harry. His face was covered with a smirk.
I looked up at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think I may have found a way to get us out of here." He said and smiled with a hint of worry. "But it's going to get a little difficult."

"Oh no" was the only thing I could say.


Sooooooo, did you like it? :)

As you may have seen, I changed the cover of the book because I thought the last one was a bit boring. I really like the new one and I hope you do too!

Don't forget to vote and comment :D

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