Chapter 11

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This is a normal chapter again. If you don't know what is happening anymore, I suggest you read chapter 9 again. :)

Hope you enjoy xxxx


"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"
A dark silhouet said.

I jumped away from Harry's lap. We looked at each other with horrified eyes. I didn't even hear the door opening or someone entering the room.

My cheeks flushed when I thought about what Harry and I were doing only seconds ago. But this wasn't the time to fantasize about it.

I looked up at a dark figure who was approaching us. I recognised those eyes. Those eyes I had been looking in for years.

Ofcourse, it was Oliver.

"Lilly, dear, I didn't expect you to fall for him that fast." He said with a smirk.

"What do you want, Oliver?" I spit.

"You know what I want, Lilly. I've asked you enough. And unless you want to add something to that, I suggest you to shut up."

I was angry. I was so fucking angry. I hated Oliver so much. I can't believe I ever trusted him.

"Leave her alone." Harry said, also with anger in his eyes.

"Aw, is your prince charming over here going to save you?" He said to me.

"Just shut up, Oliver" I said. "And why are you here?"

"You know, just checking up on you guys." He said. "And I was going to tell you that we're moving. And you are coming along with us and you can bring your little boyfriend too." He said.

"Unless ofcourse, you want to say something to me about the medallion and maybe I'll consider letting you go." He added.

"No, I don't have anything to add." I said. "Because I still don't know what you're talking about."

"Well, okay. Suit yourself." He said and left the room.

After he closed the door, he yelled: "Oh and prepare yourselves for a long journey. I'll come and get you in half an hour."

"Shit." Harry and I said at the same time.

He looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"Lilly, are you 100% sure you don't know anything about this? Just think about it for a while, maybe something will pop up in your mind that you forgot about." He said.

I stared at the wall. I've had been thinking about this for such a long time now. Was I forgetting something? Did I ever see or hear something about a medallion? Did my parents or brother or friends ever mention this? Not that I knew of. But why was Oliver so sure I knew something about this?

I thought about my brother for a while. I missed him so much. It's been three years since I've seen him for the last time. I still didn't know why he left us. He left a few days after my mum and him acted really strange. But when I asked my mum about it after he left, she never answered.

I was trying to think about why they were acting so strange back then, but I couln't remember.

The image of my mum and brother fighting in a supermarket popped up in my head. They were arguing about me, I think. It was something about a kitchen cabinet.

"Harry!" I yelled. "I remember something!"

He looked happy. "What? what is it, Lilly?"

"I remember that my borther and my mum were having a fight just before he left. They never really explained it to me, but I think it was because I almost found something my mum and brother hid from me." I explained.

"Could it be that medallion thing they're looking for?" He asked.

"It could be, I guess." I said. "God, I feel so stupid. I forgot that even happened. I didn't think it would be that important. I did find it strange back then, but I just forgot about it."

"Well, it's something." He said. "Do you have an idea on why they want that medallion so bad?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea." I sighed "But it must be important to them, if they lock us in this room for so long to find out information about this medallion thing."

I sighed. My head ached really bad. I just wanted to go home and take a shower and eat junk food and sleep. But no, I was stuck here in this room. At least I had Harry, I was very grateful for that.


Soooooo this was chapter 11! Did you like it? I know it's a little short, but I really didn't have much time to write this.


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