Chapter 8

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"Tell me, Harry. What's your plan?" I wasn't even sure that I wanted to know this. Of course, I wanted to escape. But if it was dangerous or obviously stupid, I probably wouldn't even try.

"Well, I haven't really thought about the details yet, but I'll tell you what I have figured out." He said calmly.

"Okay, so I already told you we should surprise them and have them be caught off guard. So, to do that, I thought that maybe I could go to the bathroom with the guard that has been standing on the other side of the door. I would go inside the bathroom and push him inside and knock him out, take his keys and come back to open the door for you. Then we could run away, because I think I remember how I got here." He said in one breath.

"I know it seems naive and too easy to actually work, but we don't know that. It could work." He also added.

"Hmm, I don't know, Harry. Escaping is the only thing I want to do right now, but it does seem a little bit too difficult. What if there are more guards in the hallway? What if they see you knock him out? What if they take you and then I'm in here all alone? I just don't know."

"You know what, you're right. We shouldn't even try." He seemed very annoyed.

"No, I don't mean we shouldn't try it. I'm just saying that it's a bit dangerous." I said.

He smirked "Well, a little adventure never hurt nobody." His mood changed immediately from being irritated to playful.

Harry had some serious mood swings, that's for sure. But his confidence worked pretty contagious.

"We'll have to think about it but more specifically, so that there are no surprises when we try te run away." I said and I couldn't help but smile. Harry's a little strange, yes, but he's also very nice and he could be worse.

"What are you smiling about?" He questioned.

"Nothing, I just think you're weird sometimes." I smiled.

"Weird, what do you mean weird?" He came running towards me and started tickling me and I couldn't help it and I started to laugh loudly. He laughed with me and we fell onto the floor and he kept tickling me. We were both laughing so hard, my face even hurt.

"Is this what you mean with weird?" He chuckled.

"Yes, this is exactly what I mean. You have some serious mood swings, Harry." I laughed, but I was actually being serious.

"Yeah, I know, I can lose my temper sometimes, but you can blame that on my fucking dad." He said without emotion is his voice when he mentioned his dad.

"Don't talk like that about your father. I know he hurt you but he's still your dad. Believe me, I know parents can be irritating, but you have to respect them." I said.

"You can't tell me what to do, it's not like you know anything about me. And I can talk about my father in what way I want. How can you even defend your own parents when they don't even care about you." He spit at me. I couldn't deny that his words didn't hurt me.

I really didn't know him, did I? I even thought he was nice and I thought that he cared. How did we come from laughing on the ground to this? I wasn't just going to shut up, I wasn't having it. I was mad at him for talking to me like that.

"You know what, you're right. I don't know you. And I think I'm glad I don't. For a moment I thought you were actually nice and decent. But I guess I was wrong. And there's nothing wrong with respecting your parents, you know. Not everyone goes around being a dick to their parents, maybe that's why your dad didn't care about you in the first place." I immediately regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. I just couldn't stand the fact that he talked to me in that way. Like I was some naive child that didn't know a thing.

He looked furious, but that expression only lasted a second. Then his frown disappeared and it was replaced by a grin. Why the hell was he smiling?

"What's so funny?" I said, still angry.

"I didn't expect that from you, at all." He said.

"Expect what?"

"That answer, I thought you would just shut up or something. But you do stand up for what you believe in, I admire that." He said.

Wait, what? Where was this coming from? I thought he would be fuming mad.

"Euhm, okay. I'm still mad at you though." Even though the mood in the room was much lighter, I was still irritated. Harry had some serious problems.

"You are so hard to understand, Styles." I said.

"What, problems with my mood swings?" He asked while making a puppy face. It was quite adorable actually.

"Yes, in fact I have." I ignored his beautiful smile.

"You're saying that I should tickle you again?"

"No, no, that's not what I'm saying." But it was too late, he already was running towards me and he picked me up and started tickling me everywhere.

"No, Harry, stop!" I yelled, but I couldn't control my laughter.

Again we fell on the ground and after what felt like hours of laughing, we both stopped and looked at each other.

He took a piece of my hair and put it behind my ear.

"I know I'm hard sometimes and I can't hold my anger. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It wasn't even true what I said. You do know me, you know me better then anyone. I have told you things no one knows. Things about me that I won't even admit to myself. I feel like I can be myself when I'm around you, Lilly. And that's a pretty amazing feeling." He said quietly. Almost whispering.

But I heard him, I heard every word he said and it melt my heart.

"I feel the same with you, actually." I said. "Like I can open up to you, without getting hurt or judged. You know me better than anyone, Harry." I sighed.

I just didn't understand this beautiful boy in front of me. He had some anger issues, but I could see deep down that he was just hurt by his father and he wanted to be loved by someone after his horrible youth.

He looked into my eyes and I felt lost looking into his pearls.
I sat closer to him and he leaned in and our lips crashed together like we had been wanting to do this the first time we met and everything, besides us, didn't matter. The only thing that mattered were his lips on mine. And my lips on his.

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