Chapter 9

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I was kissing Harry.

Harry was kissing me.

How did this even happen? Just minutes before our kiss we were yelling at each other. He said I didn't knew him and just a few seconds later, he said I knew him the best out of all people. This was weird, but it felt so good. So wrong, but so so good.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, if that was even possible. We were moving and kissing as if our bodies were made for this. I had kissed a few guys before on parties, but it never felt like this. This felt like I had been waiting for this kiss all my life.

Harry slowly pulled away from our romantic moment and looked at me, with confused eyes.

Oh no, was he already regretting this? He kissed me first, right? What if he thinks it was a mistake?

"Wow", was all he said.

"Wow" I repeat. I was waiting for him to say something. I wanted to know that he felt as shocked yet pleased about it as I did.

"That was something" He said.

Where was he going with this? I couldn't tell from his choice of words or his tone if he meant it in a positive or a negative way.

"Do you regret it?" I asked with a small voice.

His eyes widen. "What? No, hell no, I don't regret it! Do you?" He looked confused.

"No, of course not. I thought, maybe, I don't know.." I sighed. I didn't want to come across as some crazy bitch for saying that that was the most amazing feeling I had in my entire life.

"I loved it." He said with a smirk. "And you kiss heavenly." He teased.

I'm pretty sure my cheeks turned in a deep shade of red.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. You were amazing." He grabbed my hips and pulled me onto his lap.

Maybe my confidence came from his words or just because I felt comfortable with him, but I grabbed his hair in his neck and pulled him closer to kiss him again.

This time it was a very slow, but passionate kiss. He teased me by biting my bottom lip and we both laughed not separating our mouths.

This time I pulled away from that magical moment. He looked in my eyes like he was searching for something.

He frowned "How come I like you so much, Lilly? I don't like anyone. Like literally, I hate everybody. But then you came along with all your positivity even though you've been through so much. And we have so much in common and you're just so beautiful.." He blurted out.

My stomach turned and I felt my heart warm at his words.

"What? You don't like anyone? That's impossible!" I said, ignoring his kind words because I just didn't know what to say in response.

"Yeah, no one. I liked my mum, but she's dead. Accept for her, I never liked anyone." He said with pain in his eyes.

"You never even had a girlfriend or something? And you probably have friends."

"Yeah, I do have friends, but I just hang out with them because I don't have anything better to do. If something were to happen to them, I probably wouldn't even care."

That was a bit harsh, but I got it, he didn't like anyone. But he liked me? Wow, I felt my stomach turning once again.

He continued "And I've had a few 'girlfriends' but that was just because they wanted to sleep with me and I couldn't resist them."

I flinched at his words. I didn't even know why but I felt jealous all of a sudden. Okay, he's a little bit older, he's 19, so it's okay for him that he has slept with a few girls. But it just felt so weird.

I was 16 and the only thing I had done, was kissing. I've had a boyfriend before, but that was nothing serious. I also kissed a guy on a party because I drank a little bit too much. But I was not planning on doing that again. Being drunk was like the best and worst feeling ever at the same time.

"Jealous?" He asked with a smile.

"No, of course not. You can do whatever you want." I said, even though I didn't mean the words. He probably knew I was lying too by my expression, but he was kind enough not to go further into detail.

"Mmm" He mumbled.

He surprised me by pulling me closer to him again. I didn't even realize that I leaned back.

"I like it better when you're near me." He whispered.

"Me too" I admitted.

"You do?" he asked.

"What a dumb question, Harry! I just kissed you, twice! doesn't that say enough?"

"You're right, I saw it from the moment we met, that you wanted me." He teased.

"Excuse me? Just seconds ago, you were all over me." I say, fighting back.

"Okay, okay, you're right. And by the way, you have a temper as well."

"I'm not the one having anger issues. I just say what I think has to be said." I explain.

"Well, I like it."


"Come here." He pulled me on his lap again.

He looked deep into my eyes and put a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You're a very beautiful and wonderful girl, Lilly." He said, closing the space between us once again.

It was magical, just like the first time and I was lost in Harry. I didn't feel or see anything besides us.

We also didn't see the door opening.



Haha, I hope you liked this chapter 9 of By Accident.

For me, school has started again and I will try to upload every week, but if I'm a few days late, don't kill me! :)

Don't forget to vote and comment!

xo S

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