Chapter 3

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Harry pov

Shit, Lilly fainted! What should I do? I'll have to get her backstage or something, because nobody is doing something.

"Hey, excuse me, let us trough!
This girl just fainted!" I screamed at everyone in my way.

"Lilly, wake up, wake up please", I whispered to her.

I pushed everyone aside and I was almost backstage when 2 security guards stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing sir? You can't come in here", they said.

"My friend just fainted and she needs help!"

"Alright, we will take it from here, you can go back."

"But where are you taking her? She needs me right now."

"When she's alright, we'll sent her back to you. Just go now, please."

They pushed me away and took Lilly from me. I definitely didn't trust them. They looked too dangerous to be security guards.

"Hey, wait! You can't just take her!" I screamed.

But it was too late, they were already gone. I really didn't trust this at all. Even though I barely knew Lilly, she looked like a special girl and I felt like I had to take care of her. I had to find her and make sure she was safe.

i looked around me to make sure nobody was watching me. I thought I saw nobody watching and then I just ran, super fast. I ran trough everyone who was standing in my way. But what I didn't see, was this tall dark figure in the back who was watching me...


Lilly pov

Huh? Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here?

All these questions came to mind when I woke up in this dark, small room. I heard voices, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. The only thing I remembered was me falling into Harry's arms.


Oh no, had I lost him too? And Oliver, where was he? Was he looking for me?

"Hello? Is there somebody here?", I asked.

The door opened and a small piece of light lit up the small room. I crawled into the corner of the room.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't our little princess. Did you sleep well? I hope you did", a scary man said.

"Euhm, who are you and why am I here?"

"I'll explain everything to you later. But first, tell me where the medallion is!"

"What? What are you talking about? What medallion?"

"Don't act like you know nothing! We know you have it."

"You probably have the wrong girl. I don't know a thing about a medallion."

"Listen to me, girl. This is the last time I'll ask you this friendly: Where is the medallion?!"

"Please, just let me go. I don't have a medallion and I have no idea what you are talking about."

"If you don't want to say anything, fine. We'll keep you here locked up then until you say where it is!"

He smacked the door and I jumped because of the aggressive sound. I wanted to cry so badly. Where was Harry and where was Olli? I needed them right now. Did Olli's missing have something to do with this. What was happening? I wish somebody would explain this to me.


Harry pov

Where the hell was I? I'd been walking around in these halls for almost an hour and I still hadn't found Lilly. Where could she be? I was sure that those 2 assholes had something to do with her missing. The concert was almost over. Maybe she had found her friend and I was just being useless here by searching her. But why did I have the feeling that something was wrong here?

"She doesn't want to say anything, that bitch." I heard a man say on the phone.

I hied in a closet and looked trough a small crack in the door. The man was walking around the hallway and he looked kind of stressed and irritated. I didn't know why, but I was almost sure that he was talking about Lilly.
I really had to find her, but where? My plan was to follow the man discretely.

The man finished his call and walked to another hall. I waited a few moments, before I followed him in the hallway. He entered a door, after he pressed a code into a little machine. Shit, I only saw the number 3 as the last number of the code.

I went to the door and tried a few combinations.

2 6 4 3

8 1 6 3

1 7 0 3
Right! Yes, today's date. Of course, the 17th of March.

I opened the door and everything was dark, I didn't see anything.
I found another door and behind that door I heard a voice of someone my age, maybe 17 or 18.
From the conversation I could hear that the boys name was Oliver. I also heard something about a medallion. I couldn't here much of the details, so I leaned a little more forward.

Out of the blue, the door opened and there I stood, completely frozen. Shit, what would they do to me?

"Look what we have here, an intruder. How nice."

"I was here by accident, I'll leave immediately." I said.

"I'm sorry boy, but I think that's too late. I'll have to keep you here." The main said with an evil smile. "I've seen you running trough the crowd and I knew something was up."

Honestly, I could just smack his head right now, because I was much stronger than this asshole. But I wanted to know where Lilly was. So I'd just keep calm and kick him later. My plan was to act like a little boy who knew nothing and than later I'd turn into a beast.

"I'll guide you your way little boy." He said.

He pushed me inside a room where everything was really dark. I couldn't see much, but I did see a small figure laying down on the ground.


It was Lilly.

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