Monday Night Raw

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I have been dreaming for moment since i was a little girl to be on WWE, watching my family go around the country putting on little wrestling shows and seeing the reaction that they all got made me more determined to start to wrestle.

Paige POV


'Oh my god Emma I can't believe that i am having my RAW debut tonight,' I shriek while lacing up my Dr Martens. I was beyond nervous what if botch the whole match up? What if nobody likes me?
'Paige shut up you will smash it i know you will but when you get even bigger dont forget about me' Emma faked cried as if i could forget my little blonde kangaroo.
Emma is my right hand woman we have been through this journey together how could possible think that i could forget about her that would never ever happen.
'Lets get a selfie i need a new one for my instagram'

It's time im about to step through that curtain.
I felt someone tap me on my shoulder it was Dean ' Good Luck babe' before smacking me on the bum as he walked away Babe? Why is he calling me babe? Has he really just smacked me on the bum thats assault.

All i could think about during the match was why would Dean Ambrose wish me good luck and smack me on the bum? I am a nobody this is my first time on the big stage.

"See i told you, you have just pinned the Divas champion, you have definitely made a mark with the crowd by the end of the match they were chanting 'lets go paige' Emma was jumping up and down getting a bit over excited.
"I know right i just beat Nikki Bella,imagine if that was a title match you would be speaking to the new divas champion the little British girl Paige" i said im my best posh British accent while doing the Queens wave. I saw Dean at the end of the hall i pulled Emma in to hug and told her i had to go. I literally ran after Dean trying to ask him why he smacked me on the bum. I just about caught up to him when the Bella twins stopped me in my tracks
"Congratulations Paige you are the one to watch i can't believe you are only 21 you must of started at a really young age" Nikki asked while having the divas title sprawled over her shoulder
"yes i started when i ws 13 i have travelled all over the world doing little wrestling shows, i know this is going to sound really cheeky but i need to be somewhere so could we speak another time?" I handed them my phone number and went on a search for Dean.

I had been looking for Dean Ambrose for ages and still no sight of him. Fuck it i thought. I pulled out my Iphone to check twitter to see if the universe really did like me, my twitter notifications had blown up
I guess i should send a tweet i have just gained followers
'@RealPaigeWWE-i still can't mention the fact that i have just beat the divas champion WATCH THIS SPACE #AntiDiva' As soon as i sent the tweet i was getting RT after Rt and fav after fav i could get used to this i thought

I was looking through my mentions and one name kept creeping up Dean Ambrose. Why is he following me? Everywhere i go he is there.
'@RealPaigeWWE-Could someone please tell me why nearly all over my mentions are about Dean Ambrose?'
@Deanisbae-he tweeted about you saying im so happy that my babe has won her first match more importantly pinned the divas champ
Now i know why my twitter is going mental now i am going to get all the Ambrose fangirls hunting me down for my blood.

I got a message from Nikki.
"Hey paige is it true that you and Dean have history?"

"No i dont know why people are thinking this i have only seen him about when he was down at NXT i think the most i have ever said is hey that move looks good"

That is it i need to stop this before my dad or family find out
*incoming call*

Oh shit too late

This is my first fan fic please dont be too nasty but if you could give any tips on how to improve that would be great but anyway this is the first chapter

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