Raw before TLC

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Paige POV

Its been 4 days since Stephanie and Triple H seen Dean and i kiss not something that i wanted considering earlier that night i had told them that nothing was going on between me and him. 

Pulling up to the arena  dragging mu luggage behind me all that was going through my mind is dodge the bosses like the black death but why did i run? Like that wouldn't make the situation any worse but i like Dean but what if that kiss has cost me the title opportunity at TLC? fuck you Dean i thought to myself. Opening the diva locker room door i am greeted by the Divas Champion Nikki Bella she was already changed in to her wrestling gear ready for tonight.

"So is it true what is going around the locker rooms? You and Dean who would have thought"

"we kissed its hardly a big deal"rolling my eyes getting changed in to my wrestling gear 

"so am i buying a wedding hat now or later?"she replied in a sarcastic manner 

"Do you know what i don't care what anyone has to say yes i like Dean but it was a spur of the moment thing" i snapped at Nikki  why was everyone so interested in me because i am the new girl and they think that i am an easy target well they can THINK AGAIN. in walked Brie, Alicia Fox and Emma all giggling like little schoolgirls seriously people need to get a fucking grip its not like they haven't liked anyone in wrestling industry look at Nikki Bella she is only relevant because of John Cena same goes for her twin Brie only relevant for dating Daniel Bryan and being Nikki Bellas twin sister least i have came from an actual wrestling background.

RealPaigeWWE: i am no target. 

*text message*

Dean: Hey my hot British diva what's wrong? 

Me: Nikki Bella. Meet me after my match at my car i will tell you everything x


Standing behind the curtain  listening to Nikki spouting shit to the WWE universe blah blah blah i've had enough walking down that ramp towards the ring with a microphone in hand

"hold on a minute there Nikki this Sunday at TLC that title is coming with me and i am going to make sure of that and for you being the longest diva title reign i think not, everyone in this arena and watching at home around the world all know that AJ Lee will always be the longest reigning divas champion so look after that because that baby is mine."

"wow you are a little pocket rocket aren't you no wonder you and Dean are all over each other backstage" i just went for her i lost it rag dolling her around the ring eventually putting her in the PTO  "THIS IS MY HOUSE NIKKI THIS IS MY HOUSE" refusing to let go of the hold. 

"Paige that's enough stop" throwing Nikki to the mat i picked up the title and stood over her giving her the front row seat of what its gonna look like at TLC this Sunday.

dragging my luggage to my car i hear footsteps behind me its Dean 

"Paige what was that out there you looked like a woman possessed"he chuckles while taking my luggage from me everytime he laughs or smiles i get this weird feeling in my stomach

"I know i just mean if anyone talks about you i get all defensive i don't want anyone talking bad about you or me"i go a slight shade of red. 

"aw babe how cute are you but im the same i mean it Paige no one can say a bad word about you when i am around" he kisses my forehead. Loading my Luggage in to the boot of my car Dean starts to walk away 

"oh are you not riding with me?" i ask with disappointment in my voice

"are you sure? i mean i didn't just want to be like yeah hey i am riding with you"

"Dean just put your shit in the car and by the way you are driving to the next venue" i grin like a Cheshire cat

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