Sight Seeing with Dean Ambrose

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Paige POV

"Just leave them they are asleep" i heard but couldn't make out the voice was i dreaming?

I was woke up by the sound of the hotel door slamming shut i shot up in bed looking around,remembering that Seth and Roman had come after drinking with Dean i lay back down it wasn't until i felt someone snake their arm around me i screamed

"sh Paige you don't want next door thinking things" Dean chuckled

"what are you doing in my bed? did anything happen? You were meant to be staying on the sofa" i panicked sitting with my head in my hands hoping that nothing happened what if something happened? Please don't say anything happened? "Dean nothing happened right?"

"Paige i know i was drunk last night but i wouldn't take advantage of you i hope you know that" i could hear and see the disappointment in his voice as well as his face "I know i think you are beautiful and that kiss meant something to me but i would never take advantage" i never said anything i just got up and went to shower.

Letting the hot water run down body i was thinking about Dean yes he might call me babe and beautiful but surely that is all harmless flirting after all i am the new girl maybe he is having a bit of fun. Washing my hair i thought of the idea of going sight seeing in the city of Newcastle since we are in the UK i want to take Dean with me to spend some time to see what he is all about i can forget about the last couple of days i quickly rinsed my hair wash my body i get out the shower to see if Dean wants to come with me after all i can show him the great England. jumping out the shower and wrapping the towel around my body i run into the bedroom over to Dean who was still in bed.

"im sorry for everything even though i haven't done anything will you come sight seeing with me today?" i blush while asking him why am i blushing?

"yeah course you can show me good old England but Paige you don't need to blush"he winked at me

"oh by the way you don't need to be sorry"he gives me a hug then pushes me in to the bathroom to get ready.

Having the same complexion of CASPAR the friendly ghost the only colour that looks good on me is black but even that isn't a colour its a shade with my black eye make up, black ripped high waisted jeans, black cropped top and vans i am ready to leave to explore this semi famous city called Newcastle. walking out of the bathroom there is Dean sprawled across the bed asleep maybe this was a bad idea i thought to myself i was in two minds in which to wake him up or not. i left him a note on the bed side table

I must have took too long you fell asleep i have gone to sight see just give me a ring if you wake up and wanna come

Paige x

It feel so weird being back in England and for once its sunny and not raining.


On my way to Newcastle football ground St James Park my phone rang it was Dean

"oh hey sleepy head" laughing down the phone

"yeah you took far too long,anyway why didn't you wake me i really wanted to come with you"

"I am only around the corner i guess you want to take me up on that offer? I'll meet you at the hotel"

Meeting up with Dean and sight seeing around the city made me realise that maybe he isn't that bad after all.

"Dean do you mind if we get a picture i like to keep my Instagram updated?"

"Anything for you baby girl" he kissed me on the cheek i proceeded to go red

while the picture was getting uploaded to Instagram in the back of my mind i was thinking maybe this is a bad idea i am going to get a lot of abuse because i am spending time with him but what people have to get over is that we are going to make friends and hang out with each other it is part of the job

(picture at top/side) the caption read Newcastle what a beautiful City and got to sight see with this American does anyone know who he is?

Walking back to the hotel i kept apologising to Dean about everything i thought about him i was in a real happy mood i had a nice day out with him and nothing could spoil it just as i thought that my phone started to ring it was my dad i decided to ignore it. Getting in to the lift i decided to check my twitter and by no surprise me and dean were the talk of the town all because that picture on Instagram alot of people thought it was nice but others couldn't get it that me and dean had a misunderstanding and have made up now

RealPaigeWWE: Yes me and Dean went sightseeing together i don't see the problem

Dean your fans especially the female kind are gunning for my blood you are quite a hit apparently we both laughed

"Dont worry Paige i will fix it" he hugged me

DeanAmbrose: Paige and I went sightseeing in Newcastle don't get Jealous ;)

Finally getting back to the hotel room it felt real nice we had been out all day i was just glad to get in and lie down. I ran and jumped on the bed followed by Dean but i didn't move in time and he landed on top of me our faces were inches away from each other yet none of us moved we stayed there for about 2 minutes just staring in to each others eyes it happened again we kissed this time it felt better than last time. Dean pulled away and walked straight in to the bathroom and ran the shower like what the fuck? we kiss then just goes and showers, ten minutes had passed and he still never came out of the bathroom i go and knock on the door

"Dean have i done something wrong? I thought you wanted that kiss as well as i wanted it  if not i am sorry"

opening the door he told me to close my eyes i was a bit wary on why i would need to close my eyes

"you better not be naked Dean" i laughed nervously

"No you bint i have ran you a bath i know how tired you are enjoy"

oh my god how cute no one has ever done this for me

it is official i think i am developing feelings for Dean Ambrose

i have no idea where this is going so if you have any idea comment or message me thank you i hope you enjoyed this chapter

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