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*2 weeks Later*

Paige POV

*backstage of Smackdown*

Walking down the corridor towards Stephanie and Triple H's office all sorts of things were running through my head what if i get fired before i have even started? What if it is about the picture on twitter? I see Dean walking towards me he the last person i wanted to see at this moment in time it could be because of him i am going to get fired probably. I walked straight past him not wanting to keep the boss waiting.

"Paige are you alright?" I ignored him and kept walking i don't need this distraction right now.

Standing outside of the door i take a deep breath and preparing myself for the worst i knock on the door and walk in they dont look happy. Its official i am 21 and have been fired from the job that i love i thought to myself. Standing in front of Stephanie and Triple H my mind is going in to overdrive

'Paige please have a seat'

'So i have seen the picture floating around twitter of you and Dean kissing-' I interrupted Stephanie but now wishing that i never

'it didn't mean anything it was a thing of the moment please don't fire me' I pleaded

'if you had let me finish you would know that we never called you in here to fire you, we just want to say could you please tell us if anything happens so we don't just stumble across it on twitter so nothing is going on?'

'oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you, i could kiss you both but no nothing is going on between us two' i half laughed ' i have been worrying thinking i messed up the most important thing in my life'

i stood up to walk out of the office

'erm Paige we haven't finished, pinning a divas champion on your first night isn't an easy thing to do so we would like to tell you that TLC you will be facing Nikki Bella for the divas title so good luck' Steph hugged me 'oh and don't ever interrupt me again understood' I nodded and ran out of the office and the first person to come to mind to tell was Dean not my right hand woman Emma not even my parents. Dean Ambrose.

Looking all over for Dean i couldn't find him i felt so bad just ignoring him earlier i text him but no reply so i make my way to the canteen this is the last place i could think of him being. i walk in and to my surprise he was there sitting on his own pushing his food around his plate i go behind him and cover his eyes 'guess who?'

'I know its you Paige' he snapped as i pull over a seat to the table he gets up.

'wait Dean i have something to tell you' grabbing his arm

'well i had something to tell you earlier but no you just blatantly blanked me and walked right past me 'he said with no emotion like he was numb

' i thought i was going to get fired sorry that i never stopped and had a chin wag my mind was elsewhere'

'it's fine but i've got a match Paige so what is it?'

'i have a title match at TLC you could be looking at the new Divas champion' i said with a grin on my face as i push on his muscular chest

'no way high five girl,i have a match at TLC too you are looking at the new United States champion' we hugged it out

Sitting backstage with Nikki and Brie Bella watching Dean getting his ass beat i couldn't help but laugh i mean the faces that he pulls when he is wrestling makes me laugh.

'So Paige what is going on with you and Dean?' nudging me in the shoulder winking

'Nothing? what are you going on about?' Pretending that i had no idea what she was going on about

'Dont play stupid the kiss and sharing a hotel room nevermind the picture Seth and Roman are showing everyone in the locker room'Brie butted in

'wait what picture?' i looked at them puzzled

'This picture' Seth shoved his phone in my face

'Yes we shared a bed,he was drunk i wasnt just going to let him sleep on the floor plus i didnt know it was him until the morning' Rolling my eyes and walking out going to meet Dean as his match had just finished. I would have thought that the picture would make me upset but it didn't.

I saw Dean walking up the corridor i just ran to him and give him a hug and congratulated him on the win it was nice apart from him being all sweaty

'What a nice surprise and what have i done to deserve this?'he gave out a nervous laugh

'i thought i would give my hotel buddy a hug but thats fine' i say with disappointment in my voice i go to turn away but Dean pulls me in and kisses me AT WORK . As we pull apart no other than Stephanie and Triple H are walking towards us. 

I just ran.


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