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1...2...3 and your new Divas champion PAIGE

walking up that ramp with the title in my hands it is what i have been dreaming of since i was little it was the best feeling ever i beat Nikki Bella on my first PPV. THIS IS MY HOUSE before heading backstage with tears streaming down my face who would have thought a girl from Norwich would be the DIVAS champion. i need to find Dean he is going to be so proud.

RealPaigeWWE: 21 and YOUNGEST ever divas champion thank you i am overwhelmed 

i see Dean coming out of Stephanie's office he looks straight at me. 

'Dean wait up' but he carried on walking maybe he didn't hear me i repeated my self again but he didn't turn around? that's strange. I thought he would have been waiting for me. 

'so does this mean we cant be friends anymore now you are divas champ?' Emma jumped on me giving me the biggest hug ever. but with her doing that i burst in to tears it still hasn't sunk in and people might be thinking oh my days Paige get a grip its only a title but what most people don't know is that coming from a wrestling family all my dream has ever been is being the divas champ even if now i my only title reign i don't care i have made it and i am the happiest girl in the world no one can bring me down now i am on cloud nine.

'Yo Em get in i'll even let you hold the title' uploading to insta with the caption 'babe maybe in a few years you cant fight me for that. 

i had changed out of my wrestling gear and in to some sweats and put my shit in the boot of the car, walking to the canteen  i was hungry i needed food, I practically ran to get food it was empty more food for me and i'd be able to watch the rest of TLC in peace what more could i want. this silence isn't helping all that was running through my head was why did Dean just blank me? Speak of the devil and he shall appear he only walked in to the canteen with Rollins and Reigns, Both Reigns and Rollins congratulated me on the win and getting the title but Dean on the other hand didn't even get a hi. 

'Dean we gotta run,i see you later Paige' Reigns and Rollins left just leaving me and Dean he even moved tables so i was back to sitting alone AWKWARD!

RealPaigeWWE: waiting for the main event might aswell have a Q&A #DivaChamp

i spent a good hour answering as many questions as i could, i am so glad that the universe likes me apart from the odd few nasty tweets but why respond to trolls? why give them my time?  Dean was still sitting at the next table next to me and it was bugging me why he blanked me earlier and why he isnt talking to me now?

'Im just gonna come out with it, why did you blank me earlier? I was so happy to tell you that i made it and you wer-' he cut me off

'ive just had some bad news and i know i shouldn't have ignored you but my mind was somewhere else'

'its fine, i take it you lost then' if looks could kill i'd be dead

'Paige why dont you fuck off and leave me alone' his seat went flying across the canteen and he stormed off 

wew who pissed in his cornflakes 

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