He loves me?

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'Hey I have something to tell you Dean, I'm preg-' I woke up in such a fluster sweating and out of breathe
Was I really dream about Dean? Was I really about to say those two words? Was I pregnant with his baby?

realpaigeWWE:-I have just had the most weirdest dream ever GET OUT MY HEAD

Dean:- we need to talk pronto

Paige:- Sorry but who is this?

Dean:-baby don't be like that you know it's me😘

Paige:-Dean? What could we possibly have to talk about🙄
No reply, seriously what is his problem. What could he possibly be wanting to talk about.

I decide to have a relaxing bath being a champion is such a hard job don't believe me you should ask Brock Lesnar I just don't know how he does it I really need to ask him.

Bath bomb or no bath bomb?
After what felt like ages going through my box of lush products thinking what one to use I finally pick one. Watching all the different colours and different aromas coming off this little fuzz ball spinning around in the bathtub i couldn't think of anything else I would want to be doing on a weekend.

realpaigeWWE: who knew being the YOUNGEST divas champ could be so exhausting this bath better sort me out🙌🏽

User01: leak us the nudes
User02: Paige you deserve it
Dean:- need a little company?😉

RealPaigeWWE: guys seriously how seedy can you all get🤔

Falling asleep in the bath wasn't the best idea I've had. My fingers are so wrinkly and resemble prunes I think it's best to get out.
It's been about an hour and I'm still here on my bed in just my towel why would I wanna get dressed straight away everyone knows that you have to spend a minimum of 30 minutes sitting on your bed in your towel staring in to space.

*knock knock*
I look through the peephole and see the back of someone's head but being in my towel I couldn't exactly just answer the door in the nude. I call out I'll be two minutes. I run back to my room and put on the first thing I could grab which was my dressing gown. The knocking gets more frequent and impatient maybe they never heard me.
I open the front door and greeted by Dean
'Can I help you?'I am a little busy I ask in an aggressive manner
'Yeah it looks it' Dean snaps looking me up and down whilst barging passed me
'Oh yeah just let yourself in why don't you not like you need an invite'
'I told you WE needed to talk'
'Dean can we not have this 'talk' another day' i was practically pleading him.
'Paige this can't wait' he begged
'I love you'
Before I could realise Dean was kissing me but I never pulled away i deepened the kiss

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