The dreaded phone call

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Paige POV

"Is it true?"

"dad i don-..."

"Paige don't play stupid with me is it true you and Dean Ambrose?"

"Dad dont listen to what you see on twitter all he did was wish me luck in my debut on Raw, btw it went good thinks incase you wanted to know but i have to go tell mam i love her" I hung up before he could say anything else about the subject. I cant believe that he didnt say anything about my match his baby girl has made it on the big stage and all he could be bothered with was if i was dating Dean Ambrose.

RealPaigeWWE: I am not having a secret relationship with Dean Ambrose. All he did was wish me luck in my match so stop making up stories!

Tonight was meant to be the happiest night of my life but no i am getting hate from Ambrose fans thinking i am stealing him from them, my dad couldn't care less about my match and i feel so alone,no one said that this job was easy.

Putting my wrestling gear and clothes in to the boot of the car i could sense that someone was behind me but when i turned around no one was there it freaked me a little bit "hello is someone there?" no answer . i just stuffed everything in the boot and quickly jumped in the car. I try to start the car but nothing, this is just great someone is playing tricks on me i am stuck in the middle of a car park not knowing what is happening why do i always say i will travel alone this is no good but who need a man to fix a car not me. I pop the hood of the car looking for a problem but nothing is wrong i hear a noise again as i turn around standing in front of me is no other than Dean with his suit case in hand laughing at me.

"babe do you really think i would let you travel alone i don't think so i had to keep you somehow" he had the biggest grin on his face thinking he was funny

"are you kidding me? my dad thinks we are DATING yes Dean dating because of your stupid tweet and all your female fans are hating on me and you think i will let you ride with me?"

"Baby calm down you are the only one i want i dont care if they want my attention i only have eyes for you" before i could even recall what was going on he is kissing me yet i am not pulling away im enjoying it do i really want this what is going on. i pull away shocked on what has just happened. thank god that no one was round to see it because how would i explain it.

"so what has just happened i guess thats a yes that we are travelling together" Dean chuckled as he was putting on his seat belt

"Yeah well im not going to leave you here you have no other transport to the next venue just dont talk to me and keep to yourself"i cant be dealing with actually communicating with him


Dean has kept to his word and hasn't spoke but no surprise he is asleep as we pull in to a service station i tried to wake him up to see if he wanted some food or drink i am having no luck. im picking some food to have for the rest of the journey and my phone is going mad i was getting a load of notifications off twitter like i know i am new here but this is uncalled for as i open up twitter there on the screen is my worst nightmare a fan had see me and Dean kissing in the car park and has took a picture i just drop everything a run out to the car to show Dean but as i get to the car he isn't there?

"DEAN! DEAN!" I kept calling him but no answer trust him to disappear when this has just happened what a great end to the night.

I get on to twitter and DM(direct message) the person that sent me the picture and ask him where he got the photo from


i know this comes a bit of a surprise but could you please delete the picture off twitter i don't want any arguments between Deans fans etc

Thank You Paige x

i put my head in my hands thinking how am i meant to explain this to my father after earlier in the night i told him and twitter that i wasn't having a secret relationship with dean but now that tweet has been re-tweeted 350 times and Fav'd 1254 times 

Out of nowhere someone starts banging on my car i get such a fright i scream only to find it was Dean with a teddy and a card i don't know where he got the teddy from and who it was for but i let him back in the car. He hands me a sorry card 

"i saw the picture on twitter and i am so sorry please can you forgive me it wasnt meant to happen"

"Dean just forget it i wanna get to the destination so i can sleep this is so much hassle for my first night" 

He places the teddy and card on the back seat and puts his headphones in going to sleep

Lucky for some.

Any Comments or Idea are welcome but if not i hope you enjoy this chapter

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