You know I love you, right?

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London, 11 am

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London, 11 am.

Looking down at the small white stick on the bathroom counter, all I could think was, Shit. Shit. Shit. How could this have happened? I mean, I knew how it happened-but we were careful!

I paced the cramped bathroom, nervously biting my nails. My hand shot out, grabbing the test again for another look, hoping somehow I'd read it wrong. Fuck. That's positive.

Panic set in as I shoved the test deep into the back of a drawer, out of sight but not out of mind. I bolted out of the bathroom, rushing through my apartment, heart racing.

I burst out of my apartment, the door slamming behind me. My hair, still damp from a rushed shower, clung to my neck as I fumbled to zip my bag. My keys jangled in my hand, and I muttered under my breath, frustrated at myself for letting this happen. My sneakers barely touched the ground as I flew down the stairwell of my building, skipping steps, my heart pounding in my chest. I paused just long enough to throw my jacket on, the cool London air greeting me as I ran down the street.

I didn't know where I was going-just away. The noise of the city blurred around me, taxis honking, the distant hum of chatter, but I couldn't focus. My mind was still stuck in that tiny bathroom, staring at the result that could change everything. My breath quickened, matching the frantic pace of my feet against the pavement.

What now? The question echoed in my head, growing louder with every step. I found myself instinctively heading toward the nearest pharmacy, the fluorescent sign shining through the fog in my mind. More tests-I needed more tests. This couldn't be real. Maybe the first one was faulty. Maybe I'd taken it wrong. Anything to make this panic subside.

I stormed through the aisles, barely glancing at the shelves before grabbing three more tests, all different brands. It felt like everyone in the store could see right through me, but I forced myself to the counter, avoiding the cashier's eyes as I fumbled with the money. A wave of nausea hit as soon as I left, but I couldn't wait. I needed answers-now.

Without even thinking, I made a beeline for the store's bathroom. It was small and grimy, but I didn't care. My hands shook as I unwrapped one of the tests, the plastic crinkling too loud in the silence of the stall. Seconds felt like hours as I waited, staring down at the test.

Please, no. Please be negative.

But when I looked, the answer was staring back at me. Two lines. Again.

I sank onto the cold tile floor, feeling the weight of the confirmation settle in. My chest tightened, and tears pricked the corners of my eyes. What the hell am I going to do?

Without thinking, I pulled out my phone and scrolled to the one person who could understand-Faith. She already had a kid with Ethan, and she'd been through all of this before. My thumb hovered over the call button for a second before I pressed it, holding my breath as it rang.

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