Lunch and Living Arrangements

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London, 12:30 PM

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London, 12:30 PM.

The café buzzed with energy as I stepped inside, the rich aroma of coffee and baked goods wafting through the air. I quickly spotted Talia, Freya, Ellie, and Faith at a booth, their laughter easy and infectious. The sunlight streamed through the windows, giving everything a warm glow.

"About time you showed up!" Talia teased as I slid into the booth beside Freya. "We were just about to start without you."

"Traffic was a nightmare," I replied, shrugging it off. "What did I miss?"

"Just the usual chaos of trying to figure out how to survive the next few months," Ellie said, taking a sip of her latte, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

I rolled my eyes, a smile creeping onto my face. "I'm sure you all will manage just fine."

"Speaking of managing," Faith chimed in, leaning forward, her expression curious. "How are you and Harry doing with all this? Have you two settled into the whole 'expecting a baby' thing?"

"He's been pretty great, actually. A little over the top sometimes, but it's nice having him around," I admitted, warmth flooding my chest at the thought of him.

"Over the top, how?" Freya asked, an amused grin spreading across her face.

"Just, you know, extra sweet. Like he thinks I need a foot massage every five minutes and insists on cooking me gourmet dinners," I replied, chuckling. "I mean, it can get a little ridiculous."

"Sounds like he's trying to earn some serious brownie points," Talia joked, winking at me.

"Or just trying to keep me from yelling at him when he breathes too loud," I countered playfully, eliciting a round of laughter from the table.

The conversation flowed easily, but then Talia brought up a question that made my heart skip a beat. "So, have you two thought about living together? I mean, with everything changing, it might be something to consider."

The air shifted slightly, and I felt my stomach twist. "Um, we haven't really talked about it yet," I replied, trying to keep my tone light. "We've only been together seven months, and this whole baby thing is a lot to process."

The laughter from the table faded as they looked at me with understanding. "It's a big decision, for sure," Faith said gently. "But it could make things easier for both of you."

"Yeah," I admitted, anxiety creeping in. "That's what I was thinking. I just... I don't want to rush anything, you know? But it's also hard to imagine managing everything separately."

As the conversation shifted back to lighter topics, I tried to shake off the uneasy feeling. I was grateful for my friends' support, but the reality of the situation weighed on me. With the pregnancy progressing and our lives changing, it felt like I needed to talk to Harry about living arrangements soon.

After saying our goodbyes, I headed to Harry's apartment, feeling a mix of anticipation and nerves. The familiar streets of London felt different today, buzzing with life, yet my thoughts were focused solely on the conversation ahead. When I arrived, Harry opened the door with that signature grin of his, instantly easing my tension.

"Hey! How was lunch?" he asked, pulling me in for a quick hug. The warmth of his embrace made everything feel right.

"It was good! I had a great time with the girls," I said, stepping inside. "But we need to talk."

"Uh-oh, serious talk?" he teased, raising an eyebrow and leaning against the doorframe, a playful smirk on his face.

"Kind of. I think we should discuss living arrangements," I said, my heart racing slightly. "With the baby coming, it makes sense for us to figure things out soon."

Harry's smile faded slightly as he processed my words. "You're right." He said, thinking.

As we settled onto the couch, the familiar comfort of his presence enveloped me. "You know," I said, looking around the cozy living room, "it'll be an adjustment for both of us. But I think we can handle it."

"Of course, we can. We're in this together," he replied, reaching for my hand. His fingers intertwined with mine, grounding me. "And hey, think of all the fun we'll have decorating a nursery."

"We'll? You mean me?" I echoed, a grin spreading across my face. "I was thinking more along the lines of a playroom for all your toys."

"Hey! Those cards are not toys, they are limited collectibles," he defended.

"Of course they are, my apologies." I teased, holding my hands up in surrender.

As the night went on, I felt a swell of excitement as we discussed the possibilities. It was a big step, but so was having this baby. And with Harry by my side, I knew everything would work out.


Super short chapter today, loves, so sorry. Ended up being so busy that when it hit 9 pm i genuinely was like oh shit, I don't have a chapter for today lmao.

So I'm sorry if it's rushed or you see some mistakes. Feel free to comment and lmk and I'll correct it. This chapter was kinda just a filler as I didn't have much time to put a lot of thought into it. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoyed it though.

As always, hate isn't welcomed, constructive criticism is.

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