Part 27

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 Mallika: Hamza was my ex. We were together in school. He proposed to me after 10th grade. At first, he seemed like a really nice guy. He still does, but behind that innocent face, there's a different story. He's dated over 10 girls. We were together for almost two years, but we broke up this January because he was having an affair... with someone from his family. I just wanted to warn you, Sehar. I don't want another girl to get hurt like I did.

I stared at the message, my mind spinning. My breath caught in my throat, and I felt a tight knot forming in my chest. An affair... with someone in his family? No, this couldn't be true. Hamza couldn't be capable of that. But Mallika sounded so sure, so certain, and I couldn't shake the horrible sinking feeling that something was wrong.I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to steady myself, but my thoughts kept spiraling. Could Hamza really be hiding all of this? The guy who had been so sweet and caring, who had helped me with my studies when I was too stressed, who seemed so... perfect. It felt like everything I thought I knew was shattering.I wanted to trust Mallika. Her message was clear, and the pain behind her words was real. But part of me didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to think that the person I had started to care about so much could be capable of such betrayal. Yet here I was, with a warning that I couldn't just ignore.

I kept reading Mallika's words over and over, hoping something would make sense, but all I felt was a growing sense of dread. My stomach twisted, and my hands felt cold. What if she was right? What if Hamza was lying to me, just like he had lied to her?

I swallowed hard, my fingers trembling as I typed a response.

Me: Mallika... I don't even know what to say. This is so much. I had no idea. He never said anything about you."

I hesitated, wondering if I was making a mistake by even replying. But I needed to know more.

Me: Are you sure? About everything?

The three dots appeared again, and I held my breath.

Mallika: I'm 100% sure. He told me and I saw it too . I know this is hard to hear, but I thought you should know the truth before it's too late. Don't let him fool you like he fooled me.

I felt a lump forming in my throat. The truth. It hit me harder than I expected, and I suddenly felt scared. Scared of what this meant for me, for everything I thought I knew about Hamza. Could I really confront him about this? What would he say? Would he deny it all, or would he show that other side of him Mallika warned me about?

Tears stung my eyes as I sat there in silence, staring at my phone. I didn't want to lose Hamza, but if Mallika was right, I couldn't let myself be hurt like she was. My mind was a mess, and I didn't know what to do.A sense of sadness washed over me, and for the first time in a long time, I felt small and helpless. The person I thought I could trust might be the one hiding the most from me.I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. I had to be strong. I had to figure out what was true, no matter how painful it might be. But deep down, I was terrified of what I might discover.

As I stared at Mallika's message, my heart started racing. How could this be true? The Hamza I knew wasn't anything like this. He was kind, always making me laugh when I was stressed about exams. We were just friends, but I felt safe with him, and we talked about everything. This couldn't be right. I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to focus. Hamza—the same Hamza who helped me when I struggled with my studies—didn't seem like someone who would hide secrets, especially not something like this. But could I trust my own feelings? Maybe I was too close to see who he really was.

I remembered the first time we hung out. I was so nervous about my exams, and he stayed with me in the library, quizzing me until I felt better. He was patient and caring, always ready to help. Could that have all been an act? Could Hamza really be someone else, like Mallika was saying?
But Mallika's warning was serious. What if she was right? What if Hamza really was hiding something? My stomach twisted with fear. I didn't want to believe her, but I couldn't ignore it either. I had to know the truth.
I picked up my phone, my hands trembling, and opened my messages. Hamza had texted earlier, asking how my day was. His usual light and playful tone was there, but now it felt different. My fingers hovered over the screen as I typed.

Me: Hey, Hamza... can we talk?

I hit send, my heart pounding. I needed to hear what he had to say. If Mallika was right, everything I thought I knew about Hamza would change. But if she was wrong, then I was letting fear get in the way of a friendship I really valued.

The typing bubbles appeared almost immediately.

Hamza: Of course. What's up? You sound serious.

I stared at the screen, trying to find the right words. Finally, I took a deep breath and typed.

Me: I heard something about you, and I need you to be honest with me. Someone said you've dated a lot of girls and had an affair... with someone from your family.

It was hard to even type the words. They felt wrong, but I had to know the truth.There was a long pause before Hamza replied. I felt my anxiety growing with every second that passed. Finally, his message came through.

Hamza: Sehar, wow. That's not true at all. I've been in relationships, yes, but I've never done anything like that. And definitely not with someone from my family. That's just... no.

His response was calm, almost too calm. It sounded like Hamza—rational and cool-headed—but something about it didn't sit right. Could Mallika have really misunderstood? Why would she lie about something so serious?

I pressed on.

Me: Mallika told me. She said you two were together for a long time, and she saw it herself.

Another pause. My heart was racing again.

Hamza: Can we meet and talk about this , Sehar ? Please ? 

His words felt sincere, like the Hamza I knew. He was calm, reassuring, but my gut kept nagging at me. Why would Mallika go through all this trouble just to hurt him? But Hamza seemed so sure that he had changed, that he wasn't the same person he was before.

Me: I just need some time to think about all of this.

Hamza: Of course, take all the time you need. I just don't want you to believe someone else's lies. You mean a lot to me, Sehar.

I sighed as I put my phone down, a heavy weight settling over me. Hamza's words were comforting, but there was something I still couldn't shake. Mallika's warning was loud in my mind, and I couldn't ignore it. Part of me wanted to believe that Hamza had changed, that he was the same caring friend I knew. But another part of me, the part that felt the weight of Mallika's words, wondered if I really knew the whole truth.

I had trusted Hamza, but now, doubt was creeping in. Maybe Mallika was right after all. Maybe the Hamza I thought I knew wasn't the real Hamza at all.

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