Now I Just Sit In Silence

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My stepfather is standing in the open doorway, dangling the precious piece of metal between two fingers. I try not to look desperate. He smirks, tossing it towards me.
"Here. No one will care anyway. You're such an attention whore. Maybe you can use it to cut off all that fat." He sneers, turning on his heel and slamming my bedroom door. I dig out my blade from the clothes pile where my stepdad threw it, staring at in in the palm of my hand. I almost slide it across my forearm, desperatly needing to feel something. But I don't, refusing to give him the satisfaction. I stand, moving towards my dresser to lock the razor away.
Once my dirty secret is safely hidden, I flop back on my bed, eyes locked on the ceiling. Part of me is furious that my stepfather had the audacity to go through my belongs. But another smaller, highly sensitive part of me is hurt that he doesn't care. Doesn't care about what I'm doing to myself. Doesn't care that I'm slowly destroying myself right before his eyes.

Well I know you lay in bed, contemplating your own death, well just look at what you've done. Don't you dare forget the sun, love.

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