1. Change

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It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining bright, the seniors were restless for their diploma, and it was almost time for the confetti. Miki and Declan were sitting on the bleachers, whooping for their senior friends and family who walked across their stage for their certificate and picture with the principal, Mr. Francis.

Declan Rivers and Miki Salvador have been together since day two of freshman year. Declan, the star basketball player of Omni High, was raised from two rich parents who would do anything to please their son. With his great looks and more-than-average-but-is-no-Einstein brains, he was the total package. Miki was known as Ms. Smiles, because her smile makes other smile. Despite being a major push-over and a hypocritical leader, she was the most observant and quiet girl in the school. Together, they seem to be the IT couple.

Hand in hand, they stood and cheered for Kristy when they saw her, Declan's cousin and last person to set foot on stage.

Miki: Oh my god! She's so beautiful! (She was gushing like a little girl with her first Barbie.)

Declan: I know. She sure surprised me. She's terrible with make up.

Miki: The world is full of surprises.

Declan: (He glances nervously at her.) Yeah. (His grip on her hand tightened subconsciously.)

Miki: (She looked at him in confusion.) What's wrong?

Declan: (He forced on a big grin.) Just think about it. One more year and we'll be the ones walking up there. (He lied.)

Miki: Aww~! (She leaned against him and kissed his hand.) Don't worry. We'll still be together. (She didn't say it like a question; she said it as a statement. And that's what made him nervous.)

Declan was looking at the stage. He nodded weakly. [Right.] He promised himself he would tell her. If he continued their relationship like that, one of them would be hurt while the other would live with guilt. He sucked in a deep breath and turned to her releasing her hand. [I have to man up and tell her. If I don't do it now, I'll chicken out later too.]

Declan: Miki, I need to tell you something.

Miki: (She sat up straight and looked at him.) Yeah?

Declan: I-I...uh. [Shitshitshitshit. Maybe I shout tell her la- DECLAN! DON'T BACK DOWN NOW!]

Miki: (She laughed and gave him a painful punch on the shoulder.) Come on. Just tell me.

Declan: (He took a deep breath and then, he finally said it.) Let's break up.

Mr. Francis stood at the podium to give the audience a final speech before they released the doves and confetti. Miki was frozen but the smile on her face vanished completely. Declan just sat there, waiting for a slap to come by. Instead, she brought both hands up and slapped herself. He jolted in surprise. When she brought her hands up to do it again, he grabbed her to stop.

Declan: What are you doing?

Miki: Trying to wake up from this nightmare. (Her voice was shaking.) You wouldn't break up with me like this.

She tried to slap herself but his grip around her wrist tightened and held them down firm.

Declan: Miki, stop. I'm sorry but this isn't a dream or a nightmare. You're as awake as I am and I know you're shocked, but don't hurt yourself because of me.

Miki: (She ripped her hands away from his grip and sat still for a moment, leaving him unsure of what to say next. Luckily, she spoke.) Tell me why? I want a straight answer. Please.

Declan: [Speaking of straight.] I really did think we could make it. A-and don't worry, I'm not interested in anyone...specifically. (He noticed her staring at him intently.) Okayokay so there is someone I'm interested in but the thing is...(He covered his face with his hands ashamed of the words that popped in his head. He knew he had to admit it eventually. He took a deep breath.) I'm gay.

The moment those words left his lips, the doves were released and the confetti were fired. The people around them jumped to their feet and cheered wildly as caps were thrown in the air.

|And that's chapter one.|

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