4. Boy's Guilt

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+ Side Note +

I dedicate this chapter to the following two people:
@carebearalli - For being my first reader.
@CookiesCoffeeGerard - For being the first voter.

You might not think so, but as an amateur writer, it means a WHOLE lot to me. Thanks. Here's the fourth chapter.

+ End of Side Note +


Everyday, the air seemed to get thicker and thicker, making it hard for Declan to breathe. Even with Chandler around, his mood wasn't any better. He hadn't tried to talk to Chandler about his feelings about the break up with Miki yet, but he was starting to wish he did. He was standing by the register at Jamba Juice for a customer he could ring up. So far, the smoothie shop was empty except for the straggling mother trying to feed the baby some of the smoothie with a rubber spoon. The baby's cry was giving him a migraine and the mom's shushing wasn't any help. Then, he snapped.

Declan: Sandra!

The newcomer stepped out from the back with her head poking from the door. She was sucking on a Dum Dum the manager gave her a moment ago for her bright attitude. Her brunette hair was hung in a high ponytail with a Jamba Juice tennis cap tipped to the side. She looked a lot like a middle schooler, but based off her license, she was a junior in college.

Sandra: Yes?

Declan: Tell Ella I'm off for the day. Something came up.

Sandra checked her watch and signaled a thumbs up. She got behind the register as he walked to the back to get changed. He took off his apron and shirt and changed into his own shirt before throwing the uniform in his little locker. He sighed as he left the smoothie shop. He was a total wreck. When he glanced at his car, he hallucinated the image of Miki sitting in the passenger seat, waving him to get in. He slapped himself awake and got in. He blasted the radio on as he drove to nowhere.

Unconsciously, his speed increased until the pedal was to the floor. But the red stoplight forced him to hit the breaks to come to a complete stop. The screech echoed, making some passerby flinch. The police wasn't notified of it, but a lady got out of her car to check he was okay cause he didn't drive when the light flashed green.

Unknown Woman: (She knocked on his window. Declan reluctantly pulled down his window.) Boy, are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?

Declan: No. I'm perfectly fine.

He pulled up his window and shooed her to back up. When she did, he blasted off again. He pulled out his phone and dialed his boyfriend's number.

Chandler: Yo.

Declan: Can I come to your place?

Chandler: Nobody's home, so I guess. Why?

Declan: I need comfort. (He hit the breaks again. The car gave an ear-piercing screech before halting.)

Chandler: What the fuck? (The footsteps echoed in the background.) Some dumb ass just stopped in front of my house.

Declan: It's me.

Declan ended the call and set the car on parking mode. He took out the keys out of the ignition and rashly got out of his car and slammed it. From every move he made, his hands shook uncontrollably. He locked it before stomping to the door. Chandler stood there, waiting for him. Instantly, he crushed him into a death hug.

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