Last Battle

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Don't go gentle into that good night

I stood near Walter's apartment, watching as the coroners carried him out. It was truly strange, as I had never before initiated contact with those who would cross the threshold. I treated it as work. I never really needed to do this; my Reapers were responsible for everything. Something in me had changed. Maybe the death of two brothers was the trigger. Maybe I wanted to understand why the All-Father loved them so much.

"You know, coming to the scene of your victim's murder is the weakness of every serial killer," Lucifer, as always, appeared when least expected. This time, an elegant suit was complemented by a cigarillo in a sophisticated white gold and bone holder.

"You've started smoking too? You've adopted too much from humans, brother. What did you want?" I tiredly closed my eyes, turning my face to the dawn sun.

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