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"Get out of the car."

"You're not supposed to be working tonight," she muttered, gripping the wheel.

"Get. Out. Of. The. Car. Moonamina," I ordered through gritted teeth.

"Help! This woman kidnapped me!" the idiot in the back seat shouted.

"Shut up, Jungwoo," Mina snapped.

I yanked open her door. "Don't fuck with me, Moon."

She released her seat belt and stepped out of the car and into my body. I knew better. I knew I couldn't trust myself this close to her. But hadn't it already been a foregone conclusion when Chan had filled me in on the situation?

Somehow I'd known it would end like this.

"Are you gonna back up or just stand here and crowd me all night?" she hissed, doing her best to stand defiantly in front of me and still shrink away from making any physical contact. That killed me.

Her jeans were torn on one knee. There was dirt all over her sweater and jacket. And I thought I caught a hint of a limp. But it was her face that sent my blood pressure skyrocketing.

"Did he do this?" I demanded, gripping her chin and tilting her head so I could see the bruising. Anger was a living thing under my skin. It ate at me and took every ounce of control not to unleash.

She reached up and gripped the wrist of the hand that held her face, but I didn't let go. "The only thing he's guilty of besides hacking into state databases is having pointy elbows."

"Why are you bringing in an FTA?"

She rolled her eyes insolently. "Can we skip over the part where you pretend to care so I can be on my way? I've had a long day."

"Don't listen to her! I didn't skip out on bail! I was innocently walking home from reading to shelter dogs when she tackled me in an alley and threatened me," her passenger whined.

"Shut up, Jungwoo," Mina and I said in unison.

I pulled her around the trunk of her car and took inventory of her in my headlights. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" The bruising under her cheek was ugly and swollen. I hated it with every fibre of my being.

She batted my hands away. "Is this part of all traffic stops now?"

Having her this close wasn't just frying my circuits. It was destroying them.

The anger that bubbled up inside wanted to claw its way out of my throat and let itself loose on the world. I wasn't cold now. I wasn't empty now. I was a volcano about to erupt.

"It was an accident." Mina's tone was calm, almost bored. Her voice was a beautiful poison in my veins.

"You said you recovered assets, not hunted down people," I reminded her.

"I do. So before you call me a liar again, someone called in a favour. Not that it's any of your business."

She kept saying things like that. Things that were technically true.

But despite the fact that I was furious with her, that I'd insisted I was done with her, I needed to know she was okay. I needed to know what had happened. I needed to take care of it.

She was my business and I wasn't done with her. I was just getting started. I accepted the truth, pretending that I had a choice.

"Who called in a favour? Who asked you to do this?"

"Dude, Jeonghan. Relax. No laws were broken and your sister-in-law and friend—despite being drunken pains in the ass who refused to follow orders—are safe. Cheol picked them up and drove them home."

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