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He was a big guy who had clearly had more than his fair share of beer. He also didn't look like the type to crack a book, and I was willing to bet he'd crashed this party.

I pushed my way through the crowd.

"I said, back off," Seoyeon yelled as I arrived at her side.

"Now where are you running off to, darling?" the big man said, flashing a grin with a gold canine tooth. He tried to perform some kind of dance step but only succeeded in twisting Seoyeon's arm and knocking the glasses off her face.

"That's it. Take a hike, micro guy," I snapped, inserting myself between them and breaking his hold on Seoyeon's arm.

His attention zeroed in on me. "Why don't you give yourself a feel, sweetheart," he slurred. He grabbed my wrist with a stinging grip and stupidly yanked it towards him.

"I wouldn't do that unless you've got enough sick leave saved up for a testicle retrieval operation," I said, fighting the downward trajectory.

"Woooo wee! I like them spirited," Drunky McBad Choice said, twisting my wrist painfully and leaving himself wide open. "Who are you supposed to be?"

I closed my free hand into a fist. "Get a clue," I said, winding up. But instead of the satisfying connection of knuckle to face I expected, I found myself freed from his grip and airborne thanks to the strong arm that snaked around my waist.

"Hey!" I yelped.

"Hold her," came the terse command as Chief Yoon Jeonghan pushed me off to his brother.

"Let me go!" I demanded, fighting against Seungcheol's grip.

In my rage, I noticed that Minghao had Seoyeon in a similar hold. The man was shooting daggers of the eyeball variety at Biker Big Mistake.

That look in Jeonghan's eyes.

Hurt? Yep.

Amused? Sure.

Charming? Absolutely.

Stupidly stubborn? A thousand times yes.

But the icy mask of rage he wore now was something new.

There was definitely something wrong with me because that one look at his face made me hot. Like stupidly hot.

I gave one last flail, but Seungcheol's grip was unbreakable.

"I wanted to punch him," I whined.

"Get in line, Meens," Seungcheol said.

There was a line, I realized. Jeonghan was at the head, Wonwoo next with Minghao-still holding Seoyeon-at his back. Seungcheol and I brought up the rear.

"You're under arrest." Jeonghan's voice rang with authority.

"Arrest? Me punching him would have been a hell of a lot more satisfying," I complained.

"Be patient," Seungcheol said.

Seoyeon struggled against Minghao's grip. "If you don't get your hands off me, I'll-"

"You'll what?" Minghao interrupted her. "Kick me in the ankle and call me names?"

She groaned in response.

"Maybe hand Seoyeon off to Jeon?" Seungcheol suggested belatedly.

"No," Minghao said, his voice colder than an iceberg.

"You can't arrest me! I ain't done nothing," Booze Breath whined.

Hani appeared next to us, a bag of popcorn in hand. "I think you can let her go now," she said.

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