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"You're a bad influence," Jeonghan complained, fumbling with his keys.

"At least it was only Wonwoo," I reminded him as I waited for him to unlock his apartment door.

Jeonghan's TOP marshal babysitter had been none too pleased to return from the restaurant bathroom to find us gone. We had decided to take our wants and desires to Jeonghan's car. He'd only found the situation slightly funnier when he walked up to the driver's side window. It hadn't taken a brain surgeon to know what we'd been up to.

Jeonghan opened the door and gestured for me to enter first. Pip met me at the door, proudly carrying a small, stuffed police dog in her mouth.

"That one's new," I noted, leaning down to ruffle her wiry fur.

"Saw it on Amazon," Jeonghan said, shutting the door and hanging his keys on the hook.

"Are you ever not in the mood?" I asked, noting the obvious situation.

His grin was downright evil when he reached for me. "You have a choice."


"Either I go down on you here against the door or in the bedroom." His hands were already reaching for the hem of my dress.

"Wait. Wait. Wait."

To his credit, he stopped immediately. "What's wrong?"

"As much as I really, really want to do this again..." I shook my head. "I can't believe I'm saying this. But I think we need to talk."

Jeonghan's lips quirked. "Just what the hell did they put in that wine?"

I shoved my hands into my hair. "Obviously, I've been abducted by aliens and replaced with a not-very-convincing clone. But we've been too busy fucking around to talk."

"About what?"

"About the plan to take down Soonyoung. I was serious when I said I wanted in. And as much as I want to spend the whole day in bed with you, I can't get distracted again.."

His eyes went from a blazing intensity to amused. "You're one of a kind, Moon."

"Uh-uh, Studly Do-Right. No distracting me with compliments. Rally the troops while I take Pip for a bath."


I grabbed a towel from the table. "Yes. Now," I said firmly.


I returned from my longer-than-necessary bath with Pip which ended up with me having to change clothes and a nagging guilty conscience. "Jeonghan? Before everyone gets here, there's something I need to tell you."

He was hanging Kwon Soonyoung's photo on the whiteboard he'd set up next to the table. "What's wrong?"

I was pretty sure I'd done the right thing, but I had a feeling he might not see it that way. "Okay. So in school after the whole heart-stopping thing, I didn't really fit in. And besides work, I never really belonged socially."

He was watching me intently now.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm new at this. I'm new to whatever is going on between us. I'm new to having friends like Hani and Seoyeon."

Jeonghan's eyes closed slowly and then reopened. He rubbed the spot between his eyebrows. "What did you do, Mina?"

"Just hear me out," I began. But I was interrupted by a loud knock. Pip went scrambling for Jeonghan.

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