Part Two & Three

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After a few nights of gathering parts and playing around with different parts to make the most improbable project was finally complete. The old phone booth, one relic of a bygone era, now stood before me as a makeshift Time Machine. I still had many doubts, of course. Like who wouldn't? But a part of me, deep down somewhere, believed that maybe it is possible. I stepped inside and dialed randomly, 1988. Suddenly, a random jolt and a flash of light, everything changed. The world around me swirled and morphed. I stepped out coughing from all the smoke, before finding myself standing in a sunny Californian street.
Then the realization hit me like a tidal wave. The Time Machine had actually worked! I couldn't help but laugh out loud, a mixture of disbelief and exhilaration coursing through my veins. As I wandered through the streets, taking in sights and sounds of a decade I spotted these two dudes: Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan, the legendary bodacious dudes from my favorite movie of all time. Then there was Ted. Tall, goofy, with an infectious enthusiasm that seemed to light up everything around him. I felt my heart skip a beat. It was an instant, undeniable crush. Maybe it was his laid-back attitude or the way his face looked so damn fine and cute.

Part 3:

I was extremely nervous as hell, my heart racing and my mind still reeling from the sheer improbability of it all, I approached Bill and Ted. They were exactly how I imagined—Bill with his enthusiastic energy and Ted with his easygoing charm. Summoning every ounce of courage I had, I introduced myself, and before I knew it, I was spilling the entire bogus story: the phone booth, my fascination with the 80's and shit like that. Bill and Ted didn't look at me like, "Damn this chick is crazy, what the hell is she on?" Instead, their eyes lit up with excitement and curiosity.
"Woah, that's like totally excellent!" Bill explained, his face lighting up with genuine enthusiasm.
Ted nodded vigorously. "Yeah, dude! That is most triumphant!"
I let out a silent breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding in just then.
I sat down to chill with them and I kept talking; the most I've ever talked. Describing how I'd come to be fascinated with their rad era and the steps I'd taken to build the Time Machine; this is why zoning out and not paying attention in geometry is totally worth it. They listened with rapt attention, occasionally interjecting with enthusiastic comments and questions.
"Wait, so you built a Time Machine out of an old phone booth?" Ted asked, his eyes wide with amazement.
"Yeah," I replied, smiling like a geek at his incredulity. "It might sound like I'm on crack, but it totally worked."
"Woah," Bill said, shaking his head in wonder. "That's like the most excellent thing ever."
The more we talked, the more I felt a connection forming between us. The afternoon turned to night, we laughed, joked, and bonded over our love for music and our dreams of making a difference in the world. ugh, Ted though.  The more we talked, the more I found myself falling for him. His laughter was like music to my ears, and his optimism was like a breath of fresh air. He had a way of seeing the good in everything and everyone, despite smoking a ton of pot. Yet I couldn't shake the nagging doubt in the back of my mind. I wondered if he felt the same way about me. I found myself sneaking glances at Ted, looking for a sign.

Bill And Ted's Gnarly Venture (A Bogus Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now