Part Six (The Finale)

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Returning to 2024 was like stepping into a void. Everything felt dull and empty, a stark contrast to the vibrant, exhilarating days I've spent in San Dimas. I went through the motions of my daily life, but my heart wasn't in it. Ted's orange jacket became my constant companion, a comforting reminder of the love I've left behind.
Weeks turned into months, and the ache of missing Bill and Ted never truly went away. I found myself frequently lost in the memories we had together. The jacket, filled with its familiar scent and warmth, was the only thing that kept me grounded.
One afternoon as I just got home from school, when I was chilling in the junkyard, I heard a familiar sound— a sound that sent a jolt of electricity through my veins. It was in the Unmistakeable whoosh and hum of a Time Machine activating. My heart raced as I turned toward the source of the noise. There, in the corner of the junkyard stood another phone booth. The door creaked open, and I could hardly believe my eyes. Stepping out of the booth were Bill and Ted, looking exactly how they did the day I left them.
"Ava!" Ted called out, his face lighting up with a smile that made my heart soar.
"Ted? Bill?" I whispered, hardly daring to believe it.
"Is it really you guys?"
Bill grinned and gave me a thumbs- up.
"Most definitely, dude!"
Before I knew it, I was running towards them with tears in my eyes.
Ted caught me in his arms, holding me tightly as I sobbed into his shoulder.
"I can't believe you're here." I cried.
"I've missed you so much."
Ted pulled back slightly to look into my eyes, his own filled with unshed tears.
"We missed you too, Ava. We couldn't just let you go like that. We had to find our way back to you."
Bill nodded, his goofy grin replaced by a look of genuine emotion.
"It took some time, but we figured out how to use the phone booth to come to your time. We couldn't leave our most excellent friend behind."
I laughed through my tears, overwhelmed by their presence and the love that radiated from them.
"You guys are incredible. I can't believe you guys came for me."
Ted wiped away a tear from my cheek and kissed me softly.
"We did it for us, Ava. We belong together, no matter what time we're in."
I just stood there, wrapped in Ted's arms.
I felt so complete, more complete than I ever have.
As the days passed, Ted seemed to fit endlessly into my world, bringing his infectious optimism and boundless energy into my life. Bill would often join us, but I actually hooked Bill up with my best friend, Makayla.
One sunny afternoon, Ted and I were sitting in the park, the orange jacket draped around my shoulders, he looks over at me, his eyes filled with love and sincerity.
"Ava," he began, taking my hand in his.
"I know our journey hasn't been the most conventional, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. You mean the whole world to me."
I smiled, feeling a warmth in my chest.
"I feel the same way, Ted. You've brought so much happiness into my life."
He leaned in and kissed me, a soft tender kiss that spoke of promises and shared futures. As we pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine.
"No matter where— or when— we are, I want to be with you," Ted said, his voice filled with emotion.
"You're my past, my present, and my future."
Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I nodded.
"And you're mine, Ted, always."

The end 🙃☺️😍

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