Part One:

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I'm Ava, I'm not exactly the life of the party. I'm probably the most timid and awkward person you'll ever meet, if we do ever meet. While other kids my age are all caught up in social media, I find my peace in Spotify. Poetry is my escape, my way of making sense in the world. My notes app on my phone is filled with verses that most people will probably never read. And when my words aren't enough, at least I have my electric guitar. There's something so interesting about the way my fingers vibrate under the strings. Creating my own riffs based off heavy metal songs speaks louder than I ever could. I'm not one of the popular kids; in fact, nobody even knows who I am. If I'm being honest, I really don't care about being popular. I don't particularly understand the reasoning for wanting to be in the spotlight— the constant need for approval is such conformist bullshit. My generation Gen Z, is particularly baffling to me. The internet is a noisy, chaotic place, filled with people who seem to thrive on drama and superficiality. It's hella annoying, to be honest. The 1980's though— that's a different story. There's something about that decade that absolutely fascinates me. The music, the fashion, the culture— it all feels so much more real, so much more alive. Sometimes I imagine myself living in that era. I personally think I'd fit right in. I was sitting in my high school geometry class, not even paying attention when the idea hit me. After school, I went to my favorite junkyard and stumbled upon an old phone booth. It was definitely in rough shape—cracked glass, faded paint—but to me, it was most excellent. That same idea that hit me in geometry sparkled in my mind, wild and improbable, but also strangely appealing. what if I turned this phone booth into a Time Machine?
Skeptical I was, I couldn't shake the thought of time travel actually being possible. So I started to find all of the parts I needed to make it work.  Each piece I added, each wire I connected, felt like I was inching closer to something extraordinary.

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