The Books

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(In this the team didn't do the whole Tony vs Steve and Bucky thing and Bucky lives with them and has his mind under control. And Yelena lives with them now too after the sisters reconnected) 

It was a normal day in the Avenger Tower and everyone was around, doing their own things. And then a bang went off, and everyone hurried to the main room where they found Thor, Loki and Bruce there, all of them majorly confused. 

And then, before anyone could get a word out, a portal opened and a man floated through it. 

"Hello, I'm Dr Stephen Strange. And I've summoned you all here today because of one thing. As some of you might know Mr Stark had a daughter who went missing when she was a young baby. Well, I've found her, and I want you all to read about her life." The man told them. 

"No, to hell with that. Tell me where my daughter is. Now." Tony told the man. 

"She's 300 years in the future." The man said bluntly. 

"What?" Everyone asked, taken back. 

"It's a long story, but the short version is that magic- not Loki's- was used and sent her to the future where she was most needed. Here are three books, read them. They're about her life, and about the future and the kind of hell that Earth is doomed for." He told them as everyone glanced at each other, frowning. 

"Katie..." Tony said, looking at the books that were now on the table. 

"Katniss." Stephen said and the man looked at him. "The family that found her and took her in named her Katniss. Katniss Everdeen." 

"Pretty name." Yelena said with a small smile as she thought about the plant name. "Strong name." 

"Here's a few photos of her and her family and friends, with their names, so you can put some faces to them for the books." The man said, handing over a file of photos that was passed around as the man left. 

After everyone had looked through the photos they all crowded around, and everyone stared at the books or at Tony, waiting for him to say something. Anything. 

"I'll read it first." He said before leaning forward and taking the first book. "The Hunger Games" 

"That's strange." Natasha muttered as her sister nodded in agreement, both of them not liking this already. 

"Part 1 'The Tributes'" 

"This isn't going to end well." Sam guessed right away with a frown. 

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