🍃08. Determination🍃

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I thought that when the business discussion was over, Mawin would leave, but no. He kept finding excuses to continue the conversation, asking me to take him around the house as if this place were a zoo. Although he pretended to be interested in the house, the truth he is clearly trying to find a reason to talk to Arun Berkfah. The excuse of wanting to explore the house is complete nonsense, utter bullshit!

"I heard from Uncle Anek about how you helped someone avoid marriage. It’s great that you didn’t get married after all."

"How is that great?”

I interrupted, speaking for Arun Berkfah, who didn’t seem to mind much.

“And what does that have to do with you? Go ahead, elaborate.”

"Elaborate? Well… let me think.”

Mawin rolled his eyes upward as if trying to remember something.

“I mean, someone as skilled and young as you would be a waste if you rushed into marriage."

"Weren’t you the one who rushed to the marriage back then? But the bride ran away, right?”

At this point, Mawin’s cheerful expression changed to one of seriousness, as if I had touched a nerve.

“Oops, did I just say something wrong?”

"If two people aren’t meant to be together, they simply won’t be. Everything that happens is for the best."

Then my sweet-faced secretary sensibly chimed in. Mawin’s serious expression instantly brightened as if her words are water soothing his heart. Unbelievable! I'm trying to interrupt the conversation, but she just patched it up, making things smooth again. Where’s the fun in that?

"Indeed… Arun said it well. If there comes a day when you can’t tolerate Intuorn anymore, you’re welcome to come work for me."

"That would be tough. I’ve invested a lot."

"You must have forgotten that I’m also filthy rich."

"Hurry up and leave. You’ve walked through the house three times, and it’s hot as hell!”

I bared my teeth and waved at Mawin, abandoning all pretense of politeness.

"Why don’t you go in first? I just want to walk a little further."


"Where what?"

"Where are your manners? Can you just throw a guest out?"

"The host chased first! Go wherever you want."

In the end, I was the one who got sent away. Arun Berkfah continued to walk beside Mawin, chatting happily.

Meanwhile, I stand there helplessly, watching the two of them from behind. At that moment, Jenpob arrived, standing next to me as if he's in charge.

"I’ve been wanting to see you. Have you been here long?"

"A little while."

"A little while? And what were you doing, standing here in silence?"

"I was watching Mawin and Arun Berkfah, wondering why he's so interested in her."

"What’s more interesting is why you're so interested in this."

I looked at my subordinate and childhood friend, pondering his words.

"I'm just observing, considering I was there when you bid for Arun. Then, suddenly the cake was stolen, and I feel bitter for you."

"Can you use that phrase in this context?"

In's Love (Arune Berkhfa, Your Smile is Worth as Much as Love)Where stories live. Discover now