🍃07. Intuorn, the undefeated🍃

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"At least her family was kind, I'm touched."

"Thank you."

"I was being sarcastic!"

Now, I'm about to scream after my first ever experience of sitting on a bus home, packed with people packed like sardines. I'm still confused and dizzy with my own thoughts, wondering what on earth made me go all out to get my fiancé, to the point of giving up a limited edition handbag-only 200 were made in the world-and a van, just to trade in a secretary that I've been trying to get rid of since the moment I saw her. What's more frustrating is that Arun's mother said she loved the bag and would take it to market for morning glories tonight.

And when I said her family was kind, I meant that they kindly drove me to the bus station so I could catch the bus home. Not without reminding me repeatedly,

"Don't forget to transfer ownership of the car to our family."

The more I think about it, the more painful it becomes, both the car and the limited edition crocodile leather bag...

"Putting morning glories on it... That's an Hermès, for God's sake!"

The sweet-faced person, who noticed my irritated behavior and
immediately guessed that I was referring to the crocodile leather bag I was so protective of, bowed slightly as if apologizing.

"I'm sorry about the bag Khun In didn't have to go that far."

"I don't understand myself!"

"Khun In is the type who can't stand losing. In fact, I wanted to warn you during the auction, but I figured you wouldn't listen."

I glance at the secretary, who used the word 'auction', and felt a little guilty. Although Arun's face showed no emotion, I could sense that she was not pleased with the choice of word.

"Auction? It was just a competition. It was a valuable investment, because you have too much potential to sit at home and do nothing. It's better for you to work as an assistant for me and Dad. It was totally worth it."

"I can't believe Khun In sees so much value in me."

I didn't see any value, I just thought it sounded cool. I couldn't even define
the word "potential" correctly according to the dictionary, but I thought it fit the context. Pretty fancy, huh?

"By the way, doesn't Khun In feel uncomfortable?"

"About what?"

"Talking with your fingers pinched at your nose the whole time since we got on the bus."

"I just...."

I looked at the man now standing with his arm hanging above his head, exhaling an unbearable smell from his armpits. But how could I say that directly? He was standing an arm's length away.

"I just wanted to try being like you for a change. To see what it's like to talk in a nasal voice, like you're constantly having a cold. Can you stop talking to me so much?"

"Why? Didn't you say you wanted to try being me?"

I bared my teeth at Arun, who didn't seem the least bit bothered by the horrible smell.


What would I do if this guy's armpit hair got into my mouth while my mouth was open?

"I'll lean towards you, slide a little further."

"Lean into me?"

Desperate to escape the wafting smell, I didn't know what else to do. I looked at the sweet-faced secretary, who never complained or talked much, and couldn't help but ask back.

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