Chapter 4: Moonlit Revelations & Moonlit Confessions

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Chapter 4: Moonlit Revelations and  Moonlit Confessions

"We really shouldn't be spying on them," Summer whispered, though she made no move to leave her position behind the courtyard's stone columns. The fractured moon of Remnant cast silver light across the training ground, where two figures moved in what could only be described as a dance disguised as combat practice.

"Speak for yourself," Taiyang murmured back, crouched beside her. "I've got fifty lien riding on them cracking during the Beacon Dance."

Raven, perched in the shadows of an overhead arch, rolled her red eyes. "The tournament makes more sense. All that adrenaline, the heat of competition..." She paused, watching her twin brother execute a move that was far more graceful than his usual fighting style. "Though I've never seen him try this hard to impress someone."

Below, Lailah and Qrow circled each other, their weapons lowered but ready. The princess's lavender and silver hair seemed to capture starlight, while Qrow's usual disheveled appearance was somehow more deliberate than usual.

"Your footwork's improved," Lailah noted, her orange eyes tracking his movements. "Though your guard still drops when you're planning something reckless."

"Maybe I want you to think my guard is dropping," Qrow countered, that familiar smirk playing at his lips. "Ever consider that, Princess?"

"Oh my gods," Tai whispered. "Is he... flirting through combat criticism?"

"Shh!" Summer and Raven hissed in unison.

The scene below continued to unfold as Lailah and Qrow began another round of their intricate combat dance. Their movements were perfectly synchronized, each anticipating the other's attacks and defenses as if they'd been training together for years rather than months.

"The thing is," Summer mused softly, "I don't think it'll wait until the tournament. Look at them - really look."

They watched as Qrow deliberately left an opening in his defense, one that months ago Lailah would have immediately exploited. Instead, she paused, her blade hovering near his chest. "You did that on purpose," she accused, but there was no heat in her voice.

"Prove it," he challenged, and the moonlight caught the softness in his silver eyes that appeared only around her.

"Every day they're like this," Raven observed. "The pretense gets thinner and thinner. Yesterday he actually smiled - not smirked, smiled - when she corrected his stance."

"And she's stopped flinching away when they get too close," Tai added. "Remember how she used to jump back like she'd been burned?"

Below, as if to prove his point, Lailah stepped closer to adjust Qrow's grip on his scythe. Neither of them seemed to notice or care that they remained in each other's personal space afterward.

"The Beacon Dance makes the most sense," Tai insisted. "It's traditional, romantic... plus I heard through the grapevine that Ozpin's invited some dark elven musicians to play traditional songs."

"The tournament has better drama potential though," Raven countered. "Imagine: one of them gets injured in a match-"

"Don't even joke about that," Summer cut in, though she was smiling. "But I still think it'll be sooner. Maybe even after the qualifying rounds next week."

In the courtyard, Lailah had begun demonstrating a complex series of movements that seemed to incorporate both her own fighting style and elements of Qrow's. Her voice carried faintly to their hiding spot: "It's about finding balance between chaos and control."

"Story of my life, Princess," Qrow's response was unusually serious. "Though lately I'm starting to see the appeal of a little more control."

"And I," Lailah admitted so quietly they almost missed it, "am beginning to understand the value of chaos."

Summer grabbed both her teammates' arms. "See? See what I mean? They're already halfway there!"

"Bet you fifty lien it happens after their tournament match," Raven whispered. "Qrow's terrible at emotional timing, but something that dramatic might push him over the edge."

"You're both wrong," Tai shook his head. "The dance is perfect. All dressed up, music playing... even Qrow can't mess that up."

"Want to make it interesting?" Raven's eyes gleamed. "Hundred lien says tournament."

"You're on. Summer?"

But their leader was watching the scene below with a knowing smile. Qrow had just executed a perfect combination of his own style and Lailah's, earning a genuine smile from the princess that transformed her entire face.

"I think," Summer said softly, "that when it happens, it won't be about tournaments or dances at all. Look at them - really look. They're already falling. They just don't know it yet."

Below, Lailah and Qrow had paused their training, standing close enough that their weapons crossed, forming an X in the moonlight. Neither seemed inclined to step back.

"Your sister's watching us again," Lailah noted, not looking away from Qrow's face.

"Let her," he replied, his voice carrying that rare note of sincerity. "We could give them something worth watching."

"Is that a challenge, Branwen?"

"With you, Princess? Everything is."

As their weapons clashed again in another round of their endless dance, three hidden observers shared knowing looks. Whether it would be during the refined atmosphere of the Beacon Dance or the adrenaline-fueled Vytal Tournament, one thing was certain - something was building between the dark elven princess and the rebellious huntsman-in-training, something that no amount of denial or duty could long suppress.

"Actually," Summer whispered as they prepared to sneak away, "make it two hundred that it happens before either the dance or tournament. Some things are just meant to be, and those two..." She gestured to where Lailah and Qrow had ended up nose to nose after a particularly complex maneuver, both breathing hard and neither moving away. "They're fighting a losing battle against themselves."

As if to prove her point, the moonlight caught the soft smile Lailah tried to hide and the genuine warmth in Qrow's eyes as they began another round of their midnight dance, each step bringing them closer to an inevitable truth that everyone but them could see.

"May the best bet win," Raven murmured, but her expression as she watched her brother was thoughtful. Perhaps Summer was right - some confessions couldn't be scheduled or predicted. They simply happened, like the meeting of chaos and order, of duty and desire, of two hearts trying desperately to maintain a rivalry that had already bloomed into something far more profound.

To be continued in Chapter 5: The Dance

Unlikely Pair: Dark Elven Princess and Her Bird [Lailah x Qrow] Where stories live. Discover now