Chapter 12: The "Question"

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Chapter 12: The "Question"

When's The Wedding?; The Innocent Question

The moment came just as Qrow and Lailah finished their dance, still slightly breathless and glowing with happiness. Summer Rose, her silver eyes twinkling with mischief, seized the perfect moment of quiet.

"So," she chirped loudly enough for nearby dignitaries to hear, "when's the wedding?"

The effect was immediate and spectacular:
- Qrow nearly choked on the water he'd just started drinking
- Lailah's pointed ears turned such a bright shade of pink they practically glowed
- Taiyang doubled over with barely contained laughter
- Raven's usual stoic expression cracked into a rare, genuine smile

The Royal Reaction

High Queen Hyuuan raised an elegant eyebrow, her lips curving into an amused smile. "An excellent question, Miss Rose. One I believe my dear sister and her betrothed haven't quite considered in their rush to spend time 'training' together."

High King Berethon's deep chuckle resonated through the hall. "Indeed. Though I must say, I've never seen someone so dedicated to practicing defensive maneuvers on palace balconies at midnight."

"I was improving her security protocols," Qrow muttered, though his red face betrayed him.

"Is that what we're calling it now?" Lailah responded, finding her voice despite her embarrassment. "And here I thought you were just terrible at climbing."

## The Beacon Faculty's Response

Professor Ozpin sipped his eternal coffee, eyes twinkling behind his glasses. "I suppose we'll need to adjust next semester's combat training schedule accordingly."

"And perhaps install better locks on the training room doors," Glynda added dryly, though her slight smile betrayed her amusement. "Since certain couples seem to require extensive 'private training sessions' at all hours."

Professor Port's booming laugh drew even more attention. "Reminds me of my own courtship days! Though I must say, I never had to scale any palace walls. There was this one time, however—"

"Perhaps not now, Peter," Oobleck interrupted hastily, though he was grinning.

The Atlas Contingent

General Ironwood, maintaining his military bearing despite his obvious amusement, cleared his throat. "The wedding venue will need considerable security considerations, of course. Atlas would be happy to provide assistance in that regard."

"James," Qrow groaned, "we haven't even—"

"I have several dates already drafted as possibilities," Ironwood continued, pulling out his scroll with military precision. "Taking into account optimal weather conditions, diplomatic schedules, and strategic implications."

Team STRQ's Commentary

"You know," Taiyang mused loudly, "we should probably start planning the bachelor party now. I'm thinking something involving Nevermore riding—"

"Absolutely not," Raven cut in, though her eyes danced with amusement. "The last thing we need is my brother attempting aerial acrobatics while intoxicated. Again."

"That was ONE time," Qrow protested.

"One time too many," Lailah muttered, though she squeezed his hand affectionately.

The Diplomatic Corps

The various kingdom representatives began buzzing with speculation:
- The Mistral delegation was already discussing traditional wedding customs
- The Vacuo representatives were debating appropriate engagement period lengths
- The Schnee family members were whispering about dust crystal arrangements and wedding gifts

The Belladonnas' Contribution

Kali Belladonna's eyes sparkled as she joined the conversation. "The traditional elven handfasting ceremony would be beautiful in the Forever Fall forest, don't you think?"

"Kali, dear," Ghira rumbled affectionately, "perhaps let them decide on a date before we start planning venues?"

The Finale

Summer, looking entirely too pleased with herself, watched the chaos she'd unleashed. "I'm just saying, we should probably start planning now. I mean, between coordinating three different royal protocols, hunter traditions, and making sure Qrow doesn't accidentally break anything important during the ceremony—"

"Summer Rose," Lailah interrupted, her orange eyes narrowing playfully even as her ears continued to blush, "I believe you're forgetting something rather important."

"Oh?" Summer asked innocently.

"Yes," Qrow drawled, finally recovering his composure. "Like who says you'll even be invited after this?"

The threat might have carried more weight if:
1. Everyone didn't know Summer would absolutely be not just invited but probably planning half the event
2. Lailah and Qrow weren't still holding hands and fighting smiles
3. The entire room wasn't already mentally marking their calendars

Hyuuan's voice cut through the general amusement. "Well, since the question has been raised..." She shared a look with her husband. "There are certain astrologically auspicious dates in the elven calendar that might be worth considering..."

"Sister," Lailah groaned, burying her face in Qrow's shoulder.

"Just being helpful, dear," Hyuuan replied serenely. "Though I do believe we should discuss the traditional three-day blessing ceremony at some point..."

"Three days?" Qrow whispered, looking slightly pale.

"Oh yes," Berethon added cheerfully. "And that's just the preliminary ceremony. Wait until you hear about the Week of Ancestral Acknowledgment."

As the engaged couple stood there, surrounded by helpful suggestions and barely suppressed laughter, Lailah leaned close to whisper in Qrow's ear. "We could always elope."

"Don't tempt me, princess," he muttered back. "Though I'm pretty sure your sister has already stationed guards around any possible escape routes."

"You're probably right," Lailah sighed, then smiled. "Worth it though?"

Qrow looked at her, then at their gathered friends and family, all eager to help celebrate their union. "Yeah," he said softly. "Definitely worth it."

Summer, observing their quiet moment, beamed triumphantly. Her innocent question had accomplished exactly what she'd hoped - reminding everyone, especially the couple themselves, that beyond all the politics and ceremony, this was a celebration of love, friendship, and family.

Even if said family was currently debating the merits of traditional elven ceremonial dress versus hunter formal wear, while Taiyang continued to advocate for Nevermore riding at the bachelor party.

To be continued in Chapter 13: A friend in Need; Lailah and Summer

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