Chapter 24: Raptaryn's Daring Proposal part 1

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Chapter 24: Raptaryn's Daring Proposal part I

Raptaryn paced in Beacon's library, surrounded by stacks of books on both human and dark elven proposal traditions. His usual scholarly composure had given way to obvious anxiety, orange eyes darting between texts as he muttered to himself.

"The traditional dark elven lunar blessing requires precisely arranged crystals, but Vale customs suggest a more intimate setting... Perhaps a synthesis of both approaches? But what if the crystalline resonance interferes with the—"

"You're overthinking this," Qrow's amused voice cut through his mumbling. The rest of their friends had been watching him wear a path in the carpet for the past ten minutes.

"Am I?" Raptaryn asked, running a hand through his hair. "Because according to this text, the positioning of the ceremonial crystals during a cross-cultural proposal must account for both lunar phases and local ley line configurations—"

"Breathe," Lailah instructed, her orange eyes twinkling with understanding. "Remember, this is Summer we're talking about. The same woman who once tripped over her own cape trying to impress you with formal elven greetings."

"And landed face-first in your lunch," Taiyang added helpfully.

"Before declaring it a 'tactical retreat' and running away," Raven finished, a rare smile playing on her lips.

"That's... actually not helping," Raptaryn admitted, slumping into a chair. "What if I make a mistake? What if I pronounce the traditional blessing wrong? What if—"

"What if you stop being a scholar for five minutes and just be the man who loves her?" Lailah suggested gently.

"Yeah, you're approaching this like a tactical problem," Qrow noted, leaning against a bookshelf. "Trust me, as someone who proposed to a princess of the dark elves, sometimes you just need to speak from the heart."

"Says the man who practiced his proposal speech in front of a mirror for two weeks," Raven deadpanned.

"That's different! I had to get the ancient elven pronunciation perfect or her father would have—" Qrow caught himself as everyone stared at him. "Not helping either, am I?"

"Actually," Raptaryn straightened, his scholar's mind latching onto something. "Tell me about your proposals. All of you. How did you plan them? Or..." he looked meaningfully at Taiyang and Raven, "how are you planning to?"

Taiyang suddenly became very interested in a nearby book while Raven examined her sword with intense concentration.

"Well," Lailah began, taking pity on all of them, "what matters is making it meaningful to both of you. What represents your journey together?"

"The library," all of them said in unison.

"Where you first met," Taiyang nodded.

"Where you spent countless hours 'studying' together," Qrow added with air quotes.

"Where you first held hands while reaching for the same book," Lailah smiled.

"Where you had your first kiss behind the Ancient Histories shelf," Raven added, then raised an eyebrow at their surprised looks. "What? I notice things."

Raptaryn's orange eyes lit up with growing excitement. "Yes... yes! The library represents both our scholarly pursuits and our growing love. We could arrange crystal lights among the shelves, like that night we studied under the stars..."

"And incorporate Vale's traditional roses," Lailah suggested. "Summer's namesake."

"White roses," Qrow specified. "Like her hood."

"With ancient texts marking significant moments in your relationship," Taiyang added enthusiastically.

"Creating a path," Raven continued, warming to the idea, "leading her through your story together."

"Starting with that first book on silver-eyed warriors," Raptaryn nodded, pulling out a piece of parchment and beginning to sketch. "Then the cultural exchange texts..."

"The combat manuals you studied together," Qrow suggested.

"The poetry you shared," Lailah added softly.

"The mission reports where you both 'coincidentally' requested to work together," Taiyang grinned.

"And ending," Raven concluded, "with a new book. Your future together."

Raptaryn's quill flew across the parchment as he detailed the plan. "We'll need to coordinate the crystal harmonics to match the sunset's angle through the windows... Perhaps some subtle dust infusion to enhance the ambient lighting..."

"And we'll need lookouts," Qrow noted practically. "To make sure no one interrupts."

"I can handle the crystal arrangements," Lailah offered.

"Tai and I will secure the perimeter," Raven nodded.

"And I'll keep Summer distracted until everything's ready," Qrow added.

Raptaryn looked up at his friends, orange eyes bright with gratitude and nervous excitement. "Do you really think she'll like it?"

"Like it?" Lailah laughed softly. "Raptaryn, she loves you. You could propose in the cafeteria during breakfast and she'd say yes."

"Please don't," Taiyang hurriedly added. "We've put too much work into this plan."

"Speaking of which," Raven pulled out a familiar chart, "we should discuss timing. The combat exam schedule shows Summer will be free next Thursday evening..."

"The moon will be in the perfect phase," Lailah noted.

"And I can ensure Professor Port is telling stories in the teacher's lounge, far away from the library," Qrow offered.

As his friends began coordinating with the precision of a military campaign, Raptaryn felt his nervousness transform into anticipation. Yes, this would be perfect - a proposal that honored both their cultures, their shared love of knowledge, and most importantly, their love for each other.

"Just remember," Lailah touched his arm gently, "when the moment comes, forget all the plans and speak from your heart. That's what Summer fell in love with - not the scholar reciting ancient texts, but the man who gets so excited about sharing knowledge that he walks into doors when she smiles at him."

"Though maybe try not to walk into anything during the actual proposal," Qrow suggested. "We can't arrange the crystals around the floor."

Raptaryn laughed, feeling the last of his anxiety melt away. With friends like these, and a love like theirs, how could anything go wrong?

"Now then," Raven said businesslike, unfurling a larger chart, "let's discuss the exact positioning of each rose and crystal. I've prepared a tactical diagram..."

"Of course you have," Taiyang said fondly, as they all gathered around to help plan the perfect moment for their dear friends.

To be Continued in Chapter 25: Raptaryn's Daring Proposal part II

Unlikely Pair: Dark Elven Princess and Her Bird [Lailah x Qrow] Where stories live. Discover now