Chapter 10: The Announcement- A Royal Engagement?

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Chapter 10: The Announcement; Royal Proclamation and Private Preparations

The Announcement

The grand hall of Beacon Academy had been transformed into something out of a fairy tale. Crystal formations, provided by the Schnee family, caught and reflected light in rainbow patterns across the ceiling. Banners representing all kingdoms hung alongside the intricate tapestries of the dark elven court, a visual representation of the historic nature of this gathering.

High Queen Hyuuan rose from her throne, her voice carrying effortlessly across the assembled dignitaries. "Honored representatives of Remnant's kingdoms, we gather today not just as allies, but as witnesses to a union that bridges our worlds."

High King Berethon stood beside his wife, his deep voice harmonizing with hers as they made the formal proclamation: "We hereby announce the betrothal of Princess Lailah Albanar, Guardian of the Twilight Realm and Protector of the Crown, to Qrow Branwen of Beacon Academy, Hunter of Remnant and Bearer of the Silver Eyes."

The reactions rippled through the crowd like waves:
- General Ironwood's eyebrows rose slightly, a calculating look crossing his face as he considered the military implications.
- The Schnee representatives exchanged meaningful glances, already contemplating future trade possibilities.
- Ghira Belladonna's deep laugh rumbled warmly as his wife Kali clutched his arm in delight.
- The Mistral delegation began whispering among themselves about the symbolic importance.
- Vacuo's representatives simply grinned, appreciating the unconventional nature of it all.

The Preparations - Lailah

In a chamber high in Beacon's tower, Lailah sat before an ornate mirror as elven handmaidens fussed over her appearance. Her orange eyes were distant, lost in memory as her ears twitched and flushed a deeper shade.

"Your Highness?" one of the handmaidens asked, noticing her distraction.

"I was just remembering the Beacon Dance," Lailah admitted softly. "He was so frustrated trying to learn the formal dances, but then..." Her ears flushed darker. "He just pulled me close during a slow song and whispered 'Maybe we make our own steps, princess?' And then he..."

The handmaidens giggled as their princess touched her lips at the memory, her ears now practically glowing.

"Who would have thought," another handmaiden mused as she wove silver threads through Lailah's lavender hair, "that the same hunter who once called our combat techniques 'fancy dancing with weapons' would end up sweeping our princess off her feet at a dance?"

The Preparations - Qrow

Meanwhile, in another part of the academy, Team STRQ was attempting to help Qrow prepare, with varying degrees of success.

"Stop fidgeting!" Summer scolded, trying to straighten his formal attire. "You face down Grimm without blinking, but a formal outfit has you squirming like a child?"

"Grimm don't come with this many buttons," Qrow grumbled, though his usual snark lacked its edge, betraying his nerves.

Raven, leaning against a wall, observed her twin with barely concealed amusement. "Brother, you're actually nervous. I never thought I'd see the day."

"Of course he's nervous!" Taiyang interjected cheerfully. "He's about to become officially engaged to a princess! A princess who, may I remind everyone, once froze him to a wall during combat training because he called her 'Your Sparkly Highness.'"

The elven attendants helping with the preparations tried to maintain their dignity, but one couldn't help asking, "Is that why Her Highness still occasionally calls you 'Ice Bird' when she's annoyed?"

Qrow's silver eyes crinkled with both embarrassment and fondness. "Yeah, well... at least it's better than 'Your Sparkly Highness.'" His hand unconsciously went to his chest, where a small crystal pendant lay hidden – Lailah's first gift to him, given the morning after their dance.

The Gathering Storm

Outside, the preparations for the engagement celebration continued. Ghira and Kali Belladonna, supervising some of the arrangements, watched the controlled chaos with knowing smiles.

"Reminds me of our engagement," Ghira rumbled affectionately. "Though with considerably more political implications."

Kali squeezed his arm. "And considerably more betting pools. I overheard Professor Port giving odds on whether Qrow would manage to get through the formal proclamation without making at least one sarcastic comment."

In their respective chambers, both Lailah and Qrow took deep breaths, preparing to face what would certainly be one of the most significant moments of their lives. Lailah's ears continued their nervous twitching, while Qrow's fingers kept finding their way to Lailah's crystal, each drawing comfort from their own tokens of their journey from rivals to lovers.

Summer, making one final adjustment to Qrow's formal wear, caught his eye in the mirror. "Ready to face your fairy tale, brother?"

For once, Qrow's reflection showed no trace of his usual sardonic smile – instead, there was something softer, more vulnerable, but absolutely certain. "You know what, Sum? I think I am."

As the sun began to set over Beacon, casting the tower in shades of gold and purple that matched Lailah's hair, servants began lighting thousands of dust crystals, their soft glow promising a night of magic, politics, and most importantly, love.

The stage was set for an engagement celebration that would be remembered in both the histories of Remnant and the chronicles of the dark elven court – though perhaps for very different reasons, depending on whether one asked the official historians or Team STRQ.

To be continued in Chapter 11: The Engagement- Politics and Romance

Unlikely Pair: Dark Elven Princess and Her Bird [Lailah x Qrow] Where stories live. Discover now