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Today in the COLLEGE  Akash, was  flirting  with me constantly, showed up, interrupting another peaceful moment. He's not bad, but the way he always tries to hit on me is a little too much. And, of course, Karan jumped in, teasing Akash about flirting. I couldn't help but wonder why Karan was suddenly so protective of me. What was his deal?

Akash left eventually, and Karan stuck around, walking with me after class. It was nice—comfortable, even. He asked if Akash irritated me, and I shrugged. Akash didn't really bother me that much, but Karan seemed oddly concerned.

Our conversation shifted to lighter topics, and before I knew it, Karan was inviting me for coffee. At first, I thought he was flirting, but he brushed it off with a grin, saying it was just a friendly gesture. Somehow, it didn't feel that simple. I agreed anyway.

As we walked together toward the café, I realized I didn't mind Karan's company as much as I thought I would. There was something about him, something easy, yet there was a tension simmering beneath the surface.

I didn't know where things were headed with Karan, but in that moment, I was willing to find out of it .

right now I was studying in room until I saw someone from my window SHIT ITS HIM KARAN yes his room window is just opposite of my building but he never come to the window like its not that I always wait for him why will I ? but its just that his windows are always closed but today its open I dont know from where the moon has risen today its basically 6pm in the evening na di was just doing my work causally he showed up he is doing some work on the study table hasn't saw me yet and I dont want him to see me either so I jus closed my work and thought to go downstairs for a walk as its my and Simran"s walk time 

but now she messaged me she will not come as she is going on date with her bf one day I will kill both of them . mujhe toh puchte he nahi hai idiots 

so I thought to walk alone 

I told mumma that iam going downstairs and came for a walk . huh boring life .


I had just sat down at my study table, flipping through some notes, when something outside caught my eye. I glanced up, and there she was—

Vanshika, walking downstairs, alone. Normally, I wouldn't have noticed, but for some reason, her presence stood out today. I hadn't seen her at the window before, though mine is always shut.

She looked distracted, maybe even annoyed, as she wandered outside. For a second, I wondered if she'd noticed me from her window earlier. I debated for a moment before deciding to take a walk too. Something about her walking alone made me curious. 

Why not?

SO I told mumma that iam going to walk downstairs but one minute she was not believing me like she was behaving am I their cild or not obviously she will think the boy who doesn't like to go outside is going for walk WOW JUST WOW  I myself is surprised .

I walked downstairs .As I stepped outside, the cool breeze brushed against my skin. I spotted her ahead, her hair swaying slightly as she strolled by the society's garden, her eyes distant.

"Hey, Vanshika!" I called out, catching up to her.She turned, startled. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted me, but she didn't stop walking. "Karan? What are you doing here?""Same as you, I guess," I shrugged, falling into step beside her. "Just needed some fresh air."She shot me a side-eye. "Or are you just bored?"I laughed. "Maybe both\."We walked in silence for a moment, but it wasn't awkward. Surprisingly, it felt... nice. Her usual sarcastic energy was missing, and I wondered if something had happened.\

"So," I started, trying to ease into a conversation, "you're walking alone today. No Simran?"Vanshika rolled her eyes. 

"Don't even ask. She ditched me for her boyfriend, again. I'm going to murder both of them one of these days."

I chuckled, finding her irritation amusing. "Third-wheeling, huh?""More like not even being considered," she muttered, though a small smile finally tugged at her lips. "But whatever. I can handle a walk on my own.""Sure you can." I nudged her arm playfully. "But now you've got me for company. Aren't you lucky?"She gave me a look, pretending to be unimpressed, but I caught a flicker of amusement in her eyes. "Yeah, lucky me."

We continued walking, talking about random things—college, annoying professors, Simran's endless love life. She was more relaxed now, her sharp edges softening. 

I liked seeing this side of her, one that wasn't always ready to throw a snarky comment.

"Hey," I said, suddenly stopping, "what's up with you and Akash?"She frowned, glancing at me. "What do you mean?""You know, how he's always flirting with you." I couldn't help but feel a tiny twinge of something as I said it, though I wasn't sure what. "Doesn't that annoy you?"Vanshika sighed. "It's not that deep. He's harmless, just... a little too much sometimes. But I can handle him."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because I don't know, seems like he's always hovering around you."She crossed her arms, giving me an amused look. "Why do you care?"That question caught me off guard. W

hy *did* I care? I felt a sudden surge of defensiveness. "I don't. Just looking out for you."

"Looking out for me, huh?" she teased, but there was a challenge in her voice now. "Or are you just jealous?""Jealous?!" I scoffed, my voice rising a little. "Of Akash? Come on."She stopped walking, turning to face me fully now. "Yeah, it kinda seems like it."I could feel the tension building.

 This wasn't where I'd expected our walk to go. "I'm *not* jealous, Vanshika. But if he's bothering you, I can—"

"Seriously, Karan?" she interrupted, looking at me incredulously. "I don't need you to come in and 'save' me from Akash. I can handle my own stuff."I frowned, taken aback by her sudden shift. "I wasn't trying to—""Yes, you were!" she snapped. "Just because we're... friends, doesn't mean you get to decide who I talk to or who flirts with me."Her words hit me harder than I expected.

 I hadn't meant it like that, but now I felt cornered. "Look, I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm controlling anything. I just don't like the way he treats you, okay?"

Vanshika's expression softened a little, but she still seemed frustrated. "I don't need you to protect me, Karan. I'm fine."We both stood there in tense silence, the earlier lightheartedness now completely gone. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to calm myself down. T

his wasn't how I wanted things to go.

"Fine," I muttered, turning away slightly. "Do whatever you want."She sighed, rubbing her temples. "Karan, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just... I don't like feeling like someone's looking over my shoulder all the time."

I glanced back at her. "I get it. But maybe I care, okay?"Her eyes widened, and she blinked, clearly surprised by my words. "Care?"I shrugged, feeling a little vulnerable now. "Yeah. Is that so hard to believe?"For a moment, she didn't say anything. 

Then, unexpectedly, she smiled—a small, soft smile that made my heart skip. "No, it's not."

We stood there, the fight dissolving into something else. Something... lighter."Okay," she said, her voice gentler now. "Let's start over. Friends?"I smiled back at her, feeling the tension slip away. "Friends."We resumed our walk, and though we didn't say much after that, it felt like something had shifted between us—

something I couldn't quite put into words yet.

As we reached the end of the garden path, Vanshika glanced at me, her teasing tone returning. "You still jealous of Akash?"I rolled my eyes, grinning. "Not a chance."But deep down, I wasn't so sure.

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