the fall

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**Vanshika's POV**

What on earth did he just say? I mean, did I hear that right? I shot him a look. "What did you just say? Care to repeat that?"

He feigned innocence, putting on a face like he was the purest soul on earth. "Me? What did I say? I didn't say anything at all.""Oh really? I'm not deaf, you know," I replied, 

raising an eyebrow. Does he really think I didn't hear him? This guy is such an idiot.

"Why don't you stop flirting with me?" I finally said. It's obvious he does it all the time, especially after that incident in his room. It's like he has no filter, and somehow, I'm always the one left blushing in front of him.He leaned closer with a mischievous smirk. "I won't. I like making you blush."Great. There it was again. 

I felt my cheeks warm up, a traitorous smile tugging at my lips. Wait—why am I smiling? Get a grip, Vanshika!

"What do you think you are, huh? And for the record, I don't blush," I shot back, hoping my face wasn't giving me away. Has he lost it or what?

**Karan's POV**

Ah, how much I love teasing her. 

She's adorable when she's flustered, with that cute little frown. Sorry, God, but I can't help myself.

"Kidding, baba, just kidding! By the way, where were you headed? We don't have class now," I asked, trying to act casual."To the auditorium," she replied, brushing past me."Oh, why's that?" I asked, feigning interest."Freshers' party decorations. I need to help set it up," she explained. So that's why she was in such a hurry."If you need any help, I'm available," I offered, sincerely this time. "I wasn't given any duty, so I'm free.""There's no need. Your flirt of a friend, Akash, is my partner," she said with a sigh. "Seriously, what did I do to deserve these guys I can barely stand?"Oh no, poor her.

 Akash will probably drive her nuts with his over-the-top flirting. But wait... maybe I can swap places with him. It'll save her from Akash, and I'll get to spend more time with her. Win-win!

Wait, Karan, what's with wanting to spend time with her? It's just to help out... so she doesn't get annoyed by Akash. Yeah, that's it."What scheme are you cooking up in that head of yours?" she asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I'd been tapping the table absentmindedly."Nothing. You go ahead; 

I'll catch up with you later," I said, trying to cover it up.

She gave me a skeptical look but headed out. As soon as she left, I messaged Akash, telling him to meet me in the classroom.---

**A While Later – Vanshika's POV**

"Bhaiya, that's not where it goes! Move it to the left," I instructed one of the seniors helping out with the decorations

. Honestly, where was Akash? I was stuck here with this senior who seemed incapable of following simple directions.

"Actually, you know what, bhaiya, just leave it. I'll manage it myself," I sighed, realizing he might make it worse."Are you sure? The stool is pretty high, and if you fall—don't say I didn't warn you," he cautioned, moving aside reluctantly.Ignoring his warning, I

 climbed up, adjusting the décor just above the board. But as I started to step down, my foot slipped. I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for a painful landing. Instead, I felt a pair of hands catch me.

Shocked, I opened my eyes, and there he was—Karan. His face was filled with worry and... was that concern?

"Thank you, Karan. You can put me down now," I mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed


"Are you out of your mind? Who told you to climb up there when there are so many guys and seniors around?" he scolded. 

"What if I hadn't come in time? What if something had happened to you? Can you not be so reckless? And who told you to climb so high in the first place?"

I stared at him, completely taken aback by his sudden outburst. Why was he so worked up over this?"Relax! I'm fine, Karan. Just lost my footing for a second," I replied, trying to brush it off."Yeah, you're fine because I caught you, DUMBO. I won't always be around to save you, so be more careful!" he said, clearly still irritated. But why did he even care this much?"Fine, fine. I get it.

 You can put me down now," I said, hoping to end this awkward moment. He gently lowered me and gave me one last glance from head to toe, making sure I was alright.

"Alright, let's head to class; lecture time," he said, his voice softening."Okay," I replied, still a bit shaken but grateful.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. At the end of the day, as I gathered my things, I saw Karan walking towards me, his expression serious.

"I'm waiting by the gate. Let's go," he said in a calm voice."Alright, coming," I replied.

We walked home together in silence, the car ride quiet too. It was strange—he barely spoke, and it felt like something was off. Was he ignoring me?

Later that night, I ate dinner with my parents and called Shrishti to check on her. After catching up with her, sleep finally claimed me.

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