Chapter 1: Whispers of Fate

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Harriet's POV

The wind tugged gently at my cloak, stirring the autumn leaves that carpeted the ground. I stood at the edge of the courtyard, my black curls falling around my shoulders in loose waves, silver accents on my cloak catching the light. Hogwarts was alive with the anticipation of the Triwizard Tournament, banners fluttering in the breeze, excited whispers following students as they hurried between classes. But my mind was elsewhere-drifting back to that fateful day at the Quidditch World Cup.

The chill of the autumn air nipped at my cheeks, but I barely noticed it. All around me, students chattered excitedly, some gathered in groups speculating on who the Hogwarts champion would be, while others hurried to class, casting eager glances at the Great Hall where the Goblet of Fire awaited its decision. My heart, though, was distant from their excitement, my thoughts rooted firmly in the past.

It was strange how things had changed since then. I still remembered the rush of excitement, the roar of the crowd, and the sheer energy of the match. But more than that, I remembered him-the way our eyes had met across the stands, how everything else seemed to blur in the background. The noise of the crowd had been deafening, yet the moment our eyes met, everything seemed to fall away, leaving just the two of us suspended in that charged moment. My heart had fluttered, caught off guard by the intensity of his gaze, as if he had known me for much longer than a fleeting glance could explain.

That had been months ago, and yet, the connection we had forged that night felt like it had existed for much longer.

I sighed softly, adjusting the clasp of my cloak as I felt a familiar warmth in my chest. Caden. Even when he wasn't near, I could feel his presence, like a quiet hum in the background of my thoughts. We had stayed in touch after the World Cup, exchanging letters, thoughts, feelings, and eventually, something much deeper. He had become a constant in my life, a steady anchor in the chaos of the world I lived in.

"Lost in thought again?" Hermione's voice cut through my reverie, pulling me back to the present.

Their laughter reached me before I saw them, a welcome interruption to the whirl of thoughts in my head. I hadn't realized how tense my shoulders had been until Hermione looped her arm through mine, the warmth of her presence steadying me.

"You know me too well," I said with a small smile, linking my arm with hers.

"Well, we've been through enough together, haven't we?" she replied with a grin. "You've been quieter since the tournament, though."

Ron, who had been trailing behind, smirked knowingly. "Bet it has something to do with that Durmstrang bloke, right?"

I gave him a light shove, rolling my eyes. "You mean Caden."

They both knew about him, of course. After all, how could I keep it a secret when the connection between us had been so obvious, even from the start? We'd met by chance at the Quidditch World Cup, but it felt like something more-like the universe had been waiting for that exact moment to bring us together.

We had been seated in the same section, the Weasleys right behind the Durmstrang delegation. I had been watching the match, lost in the thrill of it, when I noticed someone watching me instead of the game. When I looked back, there he was-his silver eyes locked on mine, a quiet intensity in his gaze. The roar of the crowd had faded, and I was caught in the pull of that moment. When his hand brushed mine as we exchanged names, a strange warmth spread through me, a spark that lingered in my fingertips long after. The way he looked at me-steady, intense-made my pulse quicken, and for the rest of the night, I could think of nothing else but that quiet promise his gaze held.

"I'd say it's more than just 'something to do with him,'" Hermione teased. "You two have been writing ever since the match."

"Alright, alright," I laughed, holding up my hands in mock surrender. "Yes, we've kept in touch. It's... different with him."

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