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Wei Wuxian made his way to Mo village at dawn, arriving in town as shops were closing down.

On his way, he searched through his robes and found he had a good amount of money on him. Enough to get a decent place to sleep and food to stay alive.

Given this was Mo XuanLu's hometown, he found a cloth and covered his face to avoid any akward encounters.

The robes he wore were black in colour, similar to those he used after becoming the Yiling Patriarch, the difference was that, instead of red inner robes, XuanLu used white ones.

Wei Wuxian eventually found a merchant who had not started packing yet, so he approached the man cautiously while holding the cloth around his face to ensure it didn't sleep or get blown by te wind.

"Gongzi*.." he called, only to cringe hearing his own voice, he had yet to get used to the whole being a girl part of this deal, growing uncomfortable whenever he was forced to remeber.

The young merchant looked up at him, before looking him up and down, seemingly scrutinising everything about him maming Wei Wuxian extremely uncomfortable. The merchant than smiled, "what can I help this beautiful young maiden with?" He asked smugly as he stood from where he previously sat.

Wuxian realised the man was taller than him and it gave him a tootache, with much reason though -  in his past body he had been over 180 centimeters tall, yet in this body he was much shorter. With the girl earlier he had thought it was a matter of getting used to his new height, but now he realised, as he had to look up at the merchant that, he was in fact shorter than he would like to be, in spite of being decently tall for a woman.

"I want.." Wuxian originally wanted to go to the Mo Manor and finish everything quickly, but something told him not to go there just yet.

He sighed before wuickly changing his mind, "where can I find an inn here?" He asked instead and the man smiled at him.

"Are you a traveller, dear?" The man questioned instead of offering a response, sounding a bit too eager for the patriach's liking, but Wei Wuxian still smiled and nodded, completely forgetting the man couldn't see his face through the red cloth he used to cover it.

Seeing the dry response, the man was clearly unhappy with Wei Wuxian but still helped him. After some pointless talking as the merchant walked him to the nearest inn, the patriarch eventually said his thank you's and a few too many goodbye's before the man finally went back to his shop, leaving him alone in front of the inn

It was already the dark of night, the moon shining proudly atop the sky when Wei Wuxian sighed before turning around and entering the inn. He walked inside the inn to find it was considerably empty, with only the presumable clerk sleepily fanning himself by the counter, not even noticing his arrival.

Wei Wuxian fake coughed awkwardly in order to get the inn manager's attention, which he successfully did as the man finally looked up at him.

Once this was acquired he spoke, "I need a room for one, for a night" he said lifting his pointer finger up, showing the number one in front of the old man that sat behind the counter.

The tired old man looked up, than looked him up and down like the man earlier, not minding how uncomfortable his action made Wei Wuxian, before he spoke, "do you have money to pay?" He entreated condescendingly, and though Wuxian wanted to argue he couldn't deny the assumption actually made sense - the clothes he wore were dirty and old, he would've wondered the same thing if he was trying to run a business, but he still felt it was rude to treat a customer in such way.

Wuxian rolled his eyes, "yes, sir, I-"

"I'll pay for her" a strong, loud and deep voice came from behind and Wei Wuxian felt even more offended. What is wrong with the people in this town!? He thought annoyingly before turning to see who was behind him, and he felt really thankful his face was covered as the man didn't get to see the scowl and pure disgust he wore when he did so.

The man looked like a hunter, around 190cm in height, way taller than even his original body. Having to look up like this he felt embarrassed and hesitated to fight like he had originally intended to, so he simply took in a sharp inhale while rolling his eyes.

The tall man scoffed and passed him dismissively, going to the clerk and putting a money bag on the desk, "what is a girl like you doing here alone?" He asked after turning to face Wei Yibg again, yet everything in Wei Wuxian's body told him he should get out of this situation which he couldn't quite tell why.

But I need a place to sleep... he debated hesitantly in his mind, before sucking in a  sharp breath.

"U-uh... I'm visiting family a few towns ahead.." he spoke after exhaling, trying to sound as convincing as he possibly could, and to his surprise, the man nodded before turning to the clerk behind him who had been standing still ever since he'd walked in.

The man's expression changed almost immidialty, he looked angry and yelled at the clerk, "what are you standing there for?!" He yelled making the old man jolt up from his seat before grabbing the money pouch, trembling in his every move.

"U-uhm, sir-" "two rooms for one" the man stated without looking back and Wuxian managed to relax a bit upon hearing his request, but the man's sudden mood change still made him weary.

He than turned to Wei Wuxian, "my name's Zhan Feng, I am a hunter in this area" he spoke and the maiden nodded slowly, still holding on tightly to the red cloth around her face.

"I believe we've met before?" He spoke his words almost like a question while getting closer to where Wuxian stood, he was reaching for the cloth around his face which made Wei Wuxian walk a few steps back.

He panicked and backed away from the older man while stumbling with his words, "I-I.. I have a serious disease!" He yelled after backing into a wall as the man wouldn't stop aproaching him, despite his clear unwillingness.

The man, Zhan Feng, paused and looked at him wierdly, "what disease?" The asked with a face showing pure confusion, yet there was  hint of disbelief and anoyance to it as well.

Wei Wuxian cursed, ramaging his mind for all of Wen Qing's medicine books he had read in the past during the time they lived together, but everything he thought of sounded way too severe for him to still be standing.

"It's uh... it's contagious" was all he ended up saying, but that was enough for the taller man to stop pushing, and even walk a few steps back increasing the space between them.

The clerk spoke up soon after, "your... keys, sir" he sounded very obviously frightened, his trembling yet still nature raising question marks on Wei Wuxian's head, but he remained silently observing the old man instead of speaking.

The man grabbed his money pouch back as well as the two keys before looking at their numbers. "Great, we're next to each other" he announced with a small smile, before smiling wider at Wei Wuxian after fcing him and throwing him one of the keys he held.

Wei Wuxian caught it, raising his hand slightly to do so, but never letting go of the cloth on his face. He failed to catch the man's disappointment at his own attentiveness.

Wei Wuxian was still weary, but followed the man to th stairs nonetheless, he doesn't seem to be any danger to me, not like much is... he thought while walking silently.

As they reached their room doors the man said goodnight before going into his own room. Wuxian was stupified the entire time, he must know Xuanlu... he figured seeing how much Zhang Feng was willing to help him without asking for anything in return whatsoever.

Pushing the thought aside, Wuxian went into his own room, and locked the door behind him before going straight to bed, removing only the cloth around his face and his boots.

Female Wei Wuxian AUWhere stories live. Discover now