Chapter 9

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We ran and ran down the halls of Long Term Memory, but we were soon blocked by a whole stack of shelves.

"Joy, this is a dead end" said Disgust.

"These are the worst kinds of ends!" Fear panicked. 

"Everything's changing so fast" Sadness cried. 

"Joy, we're lost" said Anger.

"No we're not. You're never lost if you're having fun" I said.

"No one is having fun, Joy!" said Disgust.

"Look at Sadness! She's having a great time!" I said trying to stretch Sadness's crying face into a smile. 

Suddenly, it was light out. 

"Maya's awake" said Sadness.

"She's up too early; what are they doing to her?" I said. 

We really had to act now before Anxiety got out of control. 

Meanwhile, back at Headquarters...

"Why are we up so early?" Ennui yawned.

"Because, mon ami, we need to prepare ourselves for our first days in the school" said Anxiety.

"Aren't we already good actress?" said Ennui.

"We're good, but the ones at Central are great!" said Envy.

Just then, Jeremy came downstairs in his glasses and robe. 

"Well then! I s'pose I'm not the only one who likes to get an early start" he said.

"Guys, it's Jeremy!" said Envy. "He likes to be early too! We're gonna be best friends!"

"How long have you been here?" Jeremy asked Maya.

"I dunno; an hour?" said Maya. "I just wanna make sure I'm good enough for the rest of the school."

"You will be, m'luv. You seem as energetic as any performer" said Jeremy.

"He gets us! He gets us!" Envy squealed.

"But we want Jeremy to really like us" said Anxiety.

"We should ask him lots of questions" said Envy. "People love talking about themselves."

She pushed a button on the console and Maya talked again. 

"So... what was your first year at Central like?" she said.

"It took a bit of getting used to. Quite a bit" said Jeremy. "But, as you must know, it's where I found my place in the world."

"Jeremy is sharing things with us!" Anxiety squealed. 

"Yeah, you met Chad there, huh?" said Maya.

"Yes I did" said Jeremy. "You are well informed, I must say."

"Look at us! This is going great!" said Envy. 

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