Chapter 5: Movies

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Chapter 5: Movies
Lucy's P.O.V.

I was suprised to find out that Natsu owns an apartment. Again I was hoping that one thing between Magnolia and Tokyo was similar. I was hoping that Natsu had the same house as in Magnolia. No such luck.

The apartment was almost identical to mine in Fiore, except it was personalized by Natsu.

"Take a seat anywhere," Natsu said while walking to the fridge and pulling out some fish. He gave the fish to Happy who was purring contently on the bed. "Want anything to eat?"

"I'm fine," I said as I got cut off by my own stomach growing. Traitor! Natsu laughed.

"What do you want? I really don't know what you like."

"I could go for some popcorn," Natsu smiled.

"Well, what's popcorn without a movie? What do you want to watch?"

"What's a movie?" I asked as I cocked my head to the side.

"You don't know... oh yeah. 18 years. Got it. I'll show you!" Natsu said as he walked over to a black box. He pressed a button and the box turned on.

He pulled out a case and grabbed a circular disc. He put it in another, smaller, black box and the bigger box started playing moving images.

Natsu grabbed the popcorn and sat down on his couch, patting the spot beside him. I sat down and stared at the images. The words 'Road to Eldorado' showed on the screen, what Natsu called a tv.

I laughed the whole time during the movie. When it was done I asked if we could watch another one but Natsu said no because it was too late.

He offered me the bed and said he'd sleep on the couch. Thirty minutes after I got into his bed I asked:

"Hey Natsu? Why were you at the hospital when I woke up?"

"To see you. Why?" He responded.

"Because it seems like something my Natsu would do. If I ever got hurt he would never leave my side. It's happened before." I giggled at the memory of my overprotective Natsu.

"Was your Natsu a lot like me?" Natsu asked.

"From what I've seen so far? Yeah. Anyway, goodnight." I turned poverty and tried to go to sleep.

An hour later I heard Natsu's voice. "I was there everyday. I visited you, hell, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I was scared. Scared you wouldn't wake up, scared that you wouldn't like me." He chuckled. "I was scared for nothing."

I got the feeling I wasn't supposed to hear that.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been having major writers block. *Bows* I'm sorry!

Also, Road to Eldorado is my favorite movie of all time! I highly recommend it. It is on Netflix.

I might not update for a few days but I will update! So, till then.

Love you all!


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