Transcription ~ Rough Draft Audio Idea Capture Note ZWP MilSim Dramatic Intro part 1
[Original Direct Transciption of Authenticated Rough Draft Idea Recording]
[ROUGH DRAFT 000 ~ TO BE UPDRAFTED for further development ASAP]
[audio SFX 1: Tape Recording Equipment being Activated]
[Fictional Setting: see notes]
Speaker 1 (00:01)
Good afternoon, good evening, good morning and good idea. And welcome to another episode of the encourageway. Mr.
Speaker 1 (00:07)
Pepper's almost daily variety gaming live streamed shows trafficians a cross over with the almost daily's endcase studio presents latpad world building Wednesday's special project. An idea just hit me Foreseen that might set everything off in the perfect way to give context to this overarking idea that I've been over describing to my nearly non-existent live stream audience as we play Call of Duty and Call of Duty adjacent games for research purposes as well as for commoditifying ourselves for each other for entertainment purposes and hopefully making a go and monifization, but I digress.
Speaker 1 (00:53)
Join me in the theatre of your imagination. If you will and imagine yourself for a moment in the opening sequence of a movie, you just saw logo for studios involved in production, the main won, the big one being C tag studios, a production company that currently only exists in my mind but I digress. Then we go to blackout after those opening credits and we get sombre, yet authoritative military background intro orchestra music that's swelling, it's giving us a little bit attention, it's giving us a little bit of a big giant orchestra vibe think it's quiet again and we see military.
Speaker 1 (01:51)
Assets Organising and preparing to deploy, as we come in on like a flyover shot into a location, we get like a partially redacted identification of location which is classified and the name some code name for this outpost, which is a field office and we are approaching the camera is doing one of those long zoom in. Takes work winds its way into the building, and then slows down to really take in the room, and kind of maybe follows a few people over to wherever the main Ah, head hangzhoes are all of it is giving brass vibes in terms of like military leadership.
Speaker 1 (02:36)
Um, but also not top brass, but these are important people in these in this field office that is escentralized um, classified communications controls comm centre for a regional um deployment, right like it's sake. You know, alphabet soup, regional office type stuff that is sort of hiding in plain sight as uh, some sort of US or trumptoby an Empire. Because this is the you know the zebors.
Speaker 1 (03:17)
After all, um field agents, office of some kind that is above board, not doing espionage, while skewing double duty as an actual like Black site and military operations control centre for off the books types stuff. Now, this camera zooming has been sort of third person detached, giving us the context, then we cut to AA sort of to buy the people having a conversation about whether or not they should alert they are immediate supervisor. About something that is a little out of the ordinary that they are, you know, just becoming aware of based on their, you know their information deeds there, of course, they're immediate supervisor is sort of catch onto that there going back-and-forth.
Speaker 1 (04:14)
Well, you tell him no should be learning. How should we wait-a-bit of that kind of thing. He you know, surprises them, or maybe we've got one of those moments of the they both were to stop and go oh, he's standing right behind the sicity and then he sort of doubly surprises them with some sort of like sit wrap, you know command like give me the situation.
Prelude to Everything
Научная фантастикаThank YOU, Readers!!! Thank you for making this humble collection of real raw and radically unpredictable collection of seemingly unrelated short stories #1 in "Genre Mash" AND #2 in "Dystopianapocalypse Stories" * (from a year ago) 'Prelude t...