All of it.
Everything that had been happening, all stopped.
I mean, even everything that had been happening, from long ago.
It all stopped.
The problem was...
The thing is, people, underestimate their own abilities to underestimate.
And in this instance, all of humanity underestimated their own insane propensity for underestimating reality, MotherNature, and the very unfolding of history itself as it actually is.
You know, as opposed to how they all might have preferred it to be.Silly humanz.
Aspirational to no end, even in their own malicious nefarious vile and evil selfishness.
No one really ever seriously stopped to take seriously the question of Mother Nature being capable of irradiating them as a toxic cancerous species, should she need to.
They underestimated her so broadly, that they refused to see the threat she spawned when the time and moment in history came.
They could not really recognize the possibility that she would shake their toxic and suicidally self-destructive and addictive societal systems down to their rotten foundations.
They presumed, in predictable arrogance, that only one of their own, only they themselves could ever dare or be capable of attempting to virtually achieve such a terminal manifestation.That was the first, of many mistakes made.
Humanity was in for a dose of Karma.
But not before one last round of recklessly repeating their own history.
Prelude to Everything
Science FictionThank YOU, Readers!!! Thank you for making this humble collection of real raw and radically unpredictable collection of seemingly unrelated short stories #1 in "Genre Mash" AND #2 in "Dystopianapocalypse Stories" * (from a year ago) 'Prelude t...