End of Story

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As I stand at the threshold of all that I’ve learned,
I reflect on the paths and the bridges I’ve burned.
From ego’s grasp to empathy’s embrace,
Each step a lesson, each moment a grace.

The echoes of pride have faded away,
Replaced by compassion that guides my way.
In the ruins of my past, I’ve built anew,
A life filled with love, where dreams can come true.

I’ve discovered the strength in a gentle hand,
The power of kindness that helps us stand.
With every heartbeat, I’ve come to understand,
The meaning of life lies in the love we’ve planned.

So here I invite you, dear friend, to see,
That life is a canvas, painted with glee.
With colors of hope, of joy, and of strife,
Each stroke a reflection of this beautiful life.

As we close this chapter, let’s carry the flame,
Of love and of laughter, of joy without shame.
For the journey continues, each day a new start,
Embrace the adventure, and follow your heart.

Credit -AI

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