Shattered Illusions

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In the abyss, I lie, alone and still,
No throne beneath me, no more will.
The walls of pride that once stood tall,
Now lie in ruins, as I watch them fall.

The illusions I held, of power and fame,
Shattered like glass, I’m left with the blame.
I thought I was strong, untouchable, true,
But now in this darkness, I see what I knew.

What once was gold, now dust and stone,
The lies I built, I claimed my own.
I see the cracks in every thought,
The empty promises that pride had bought.

Each illusion, once clear, now fades away,
Leaving me hollow at the end of the day.
I built my life on dreams so thin,
That cracked and broke as I fell within.

The mirror of pride once showed my face,
But now it reflects an empty space.
No longer the ruler, no longer the king,
Just a broken man who lost everything.

I thought I had friends, loyal and near,
But they were illusions, gone in fear.
I thought my strength would last through it all,
But now I see it was bound to fall.

The truth cuts deep, with every crack,
As my illusions break and never come back.
What once seemed so real now fades to dust,
Leaving me drowning in broken trust.

In this abyss, where hope is thin,
I face the lies that lived within.
Each illusion shatters, piece by piece,
Bringing no comfort, no release.

And now, in the darkness, I start to see,
The person I was is no longer me.
The life I built was built on sand,
And now I’m left with empty hands.


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