From Ego to Empathy

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Once, I stood on a throne of pride,
With walls built high, no room inside.
The world was mine, or so I thought,
In my own image, I was caught.

But in the mirror, I saw the cracks,
The lonely nights, the empty tracks.
The echoes of laughter, the voices unseen,
Reminded me of the spaces in between.

From the heights of ego, I took the fall,
Lost in the silence, I heard the call.
To see beyond myself, to truly care,
To break the chains and learn to share.

With each step forward, I shed the weight,
The burdens of pride, the need to dominate.
I learned to listen, to feel the pain,
Of those who walk through the pouring rain.

Empathy blossomed where ego once stood,
A softening heart, a life understood.
I saw the beauty in every soul,
And found connection, my truest goal.

No longer a king in a fortress alone,
But a traveler now, in the vast unknown.
For in the journey from I to we,
I discovered the strength of humility.

So here I stand, with open hands,
Embracing the world, and all that it stands.
From ego to empathy, a path I’ve trod,
Finding my way through the grace of God.


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