Hey! This is for all the Castle Fans out there! This is my first story on wattpad, so please feel free to give your suggestions or comments. Happy Reading!! :D
Meet Detective Kate Becke...
Kate woke up in the middle of the night with a jerk, sweating profusely. Her hand immediately reached out for the spare holster on the nightstand. She heaved a sigh of relief when she realized that everything was alright but her mind immediately flashed back to when Detective Raglan gave her the news.
All these years and she had still been reliving that moment. She tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. So she decided to make some coffee and walk to the precinct. Some fresh air would do her good. She quickly showered and left her apartment with her badge and gun secured in her waistband.
She was just about to reach the precinct when she heard her phone buzz. The text was from Detective Javier Esposito. She knew what it would read. Another murder. She was correct. She was not far from the crime scene and started walking in that direction.
"Daddy wake up or you'll be late for the launch!", Alexis screeched. She covered her face with her palm and tried to remember who was the adult out of the two. Richard Castle. She shook her head and smiled at her father. She was so lucky to have him as her dad. He mumbled something indecipherable and groaned. Urgh. Another one of those dreadful book signings, he thought. He finally let his daughter kick him out of bed and got up to get ready.
"Oh, Richard darling! I'm ready for the book launch!", said his mother, Martha Rodgers. A broadway diva. Another knock sounded on the door and Alexis rushed to open the door. It was Gina, Castle's second ex-wife and publisher who called out for him as soon as she entered his gorgeous apartment. Richard yelled from his room upstairs, "Jeez, will you ladies calm down! I'm ready, I'm coming!" With that he rushed downstairs after snatching his phone, wallet and car keys from his room.
She had a ritual she followed diligently. Honouring the victim. Before stepping over the yellow tape, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and promised to herself that she would bring justice to the victim. Once she went inside, she found the medical examiner and also a great friend, Lanie Parish, crouching near the body and Detectives Ryan and Esposito standing closeby, taking notes.
Her eyes widened when she saw the body. The victim was naked with her body covered entirely in rose petals and two sunflowers on her eyes. No. It couldn't be, could it?
"Tonight we honor the master of crime and celebrate the launch of Storm Fall, the stunning conclusion to the Derrick Storm mystery series. Please welcome, Richard Castle.", Gina's voice boomed through the microphone. Rick had just finished signing another woman's chest when he heard this and walked on to the stage, nodding at fans and flashing heart-stopping smiles, exuding his natural charm and confidence.
Beckett leaned to examine the body. It was just like she'd read. "Allison Tisdale. 24. Grad student, NYU. Part of the social work program.", Detective Kevin Ryan said as he briefed Beckett. "Nice place for a social worker.", said Beckett as she looked around at the victims apartment. Detective Ryan commented, "Daddy's money." while Beckett glared at him. It was her rule. No judging victims or making inappropriate comments. He glanced away sheepishly.
"The neighbors wanted her to stop her music but when she didn't reply, they called for the super to check on her and that's when we were called.", continued Detective Espo. Beckett noticed that there were no signs of struggle which meant that she knew her killer. "He even brought her flowers. Who said romance is dead?", said Lanie. She was a strong, sassy woman who loved her job and was really good at it. Beckett thought she did think romance was dead every Saturday night.
Continuing Lanie said, "Two gunshot wounds to the chest, small caliber." "Does this look familiar, anyone?", asked Beckett. "No", replied Javier immediately. "Look at how he left her. Covered modestly. Which means that we won't find any evidence of sexual abuse.", spoke Beckett. Ryan looked at her in awe. "And you get all this from just observing the victim?", he asked.
She replied in the affirmative and said "Also, I've seen this before.". "Where?", asked Javi, suddenly more interested in this case. "Roses on her body, sunflowers on her eyes...", she said and paused for them to pick up. When all she received was blank stares, she rolled her eyes and continued, "Don't you guys read?".
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Richard was having a conversation with Gina at the launch he would rather not be having. "You're just mad I killed your golden goose.", he said. "You could have retired him, you could've crippled him, hell you could've made him join the circus. But no, you had to put a bullet through his head.", said Gina. "Don't worry,", he said. "Derrick Storm is not the golden goose here. I am."
"Really doll face, who does homework at a party?", Martha asked her granddaughter Alexis. "I have a test next week", Alexis replied like the A-grade student she was. Richard joined the two women in his life but his mother soon sauntered off to talk to someone else. He took a champagne flute and placed one in front of Alexis. "You know I'm only 15, right?", she said. "When I was your age", he began but paused. "I can't tell that story, it's wildly inappropriate, which oddly is my point. Don't you want to have wildly inappropriate stories that you can't tell your children?". Alexis laughed and said, "I think you have enough of those for both of us."
"Life should be an adventure. Do you want to know why I killed Derrick? There were no more surprises. I knew exactly what was going to happen, every moment of every scene. It's just like these parties they become so predictable, 'I'm your biggest fan, where do you get your ideas?' ". Alexis pitched in, "And the ever popular, 'Will you sign my chest?' ". "Just for once, I want someone to come up to me and say something new."
"Mr. Castle?" He took Alexis' pen and turned around, knowing that it would be another one of his fans. "Where would you like it?", he asked. But no one could ever prepare him for what came next. "Detective Kate Beckett, NYPD. We need to talk to you about a murder that took place earlier tonight.", said Beckett, holding up her badge. All Rick could do was gape at her. Partly because he was awestruck by her beauty and partly because of what she just said. "Well, that's new!", Alexis said as she took back she pen and turned to her homework.
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