Flowers For Your Grave - Chapter 8

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Beckett just got off the phone with the lab. "System's backlogged. It'll take a week to run a match." she said to Esposito and Castle.

"A week!", Rick exclaimed. Obviously, she thought, he was probably not used to waiting for anything in his life. "Welcome to reality, superstar.", she said as she saw him pull out his phone from his back pocket.

"Well, I never did much like reality." he said as he called someone.

"Mayor's office.", a high-pitched nasal voice answered. "Hi, Denise. It's Rick Castle." he said. Did everyone really fall for his charms? thought Beckett. "Hiii."she replied.

"Is he in?"

"Hold on."

Kate looked at Javi questioningly. Covering his phone Castle looked at her "Like I said. The Mayor's a fan!". He stood up and walked out of the room talking to the Mayor of New York city like he would probably talk to his beer buddies, "Yo, big cheese. It's Ricky."

"The man's got the Mayor on speed dial", said Espo, pointing after him clearly blown away. "The rich really are different."

"You want him? He's yours.", said Beckett seeing that he was really enjoying this.

"A control freak like you with something you can't control? No, No. That's gonna be more fun than Shark Week." All he got was another one of Beckett's sickly-sweet sarcastic smiles when Castle came back into the room.

"Okay! You'll have your prints in an hour.", he said, totally impressed with himself.

"Mr. Castle?", Beckett called. He took a seat at her table all too readily. "Half the guys here are waiting for prints. You don't just jump the line!"

"Ooh I think somebody feels a little threatened.", he said pretending to stage whisper.

"I'm not threatened!" she said. Or was she?

"No, no, I get it. I can call the Mayor and you can't." What was this? 2nd grade? I have a chocolate and you don't.

"We have procedure. Protocol." she tried reasoning with him.

"Yeah and you always come to a complete stop at a red light and you never fudge your taxes." He absolutely refused to believe she was such a 'good girl'.

He continued, "Tell me something. Do you have any fun? You know, let your hair down. Drop your top. A little cops gone wild?"

She tried her best not to laugh as she bit her lip and stared at the man in front of her. "You do know that I'm wearing a gun." was all she said as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Ooooh" he replied with a smolder which had Kate saying something when they were interrupted.

"Beckett. Midtown. I just found another one." was all that was said as Kate took her jacket and holster with a fumbling Castle following after her.

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